Sunday, March 15, 2020


That is a picture of a Coronavirus. It's not a picture of my bruise. I thought I'd give you a break from that. If you put it on a chain and attached it to a stick, it looks kinda like a weapon called the mace. 
   Coronavirus has been in the news a lot lately. Some people were saying it was being blown out of proportion by the news media. 
   Wednesday night, the President addresses it. Then Friday, some emergency proclamations were issued. I haven't heard the people who were saying it was being blown out of proportion commenting on that. They may be out trying to find toilet paper???
   I don't have the Coronavirus. I don't know anybody who has the Coronavirus. I don't know anybody who wants the Coronavirus. But I know some people that definitely don't need to be exposed to it. And some of them are my relatives. The person that just finished chemotherapy whose immune status is probably at its lowest it'll ever be. Coronavirus could kill them.
6 days after dog bite
   I changed my mind. This is 144 hours (6 days after the dog bite), the lump is still there and the bruise is still spreading around my body. I'll update some more later tonight or possibly tomorrow.

As always:

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1 comment:

  1. Just when I thought I’d make it without a bruise update, you got me
