Thursday, June 28, 2018

Weirdness Rules

   Waiting for my surgery date may be making me  just a little touched. It's 2 weeks away, and my life's kinda on hold until after that. I don't know how long my recovery will take. I know that I'm still having some pain from the biopsies and that was 2 weeks ago. 
   It's led to some weird sleep patterns for me recently.
   But this, this caught my eye. 
   It looks like someone crocheted a sweater for a bug. A person I'm friends with on Facebook, Beth Haulum, posted these pictures asking for help identifying the insect. I don't know what identity was decided upon.
   All I could see was a picture of a bug that looked like it was wearing a sweater. We've been having heat indices of over 100, so seeing anyone wearing a sweater struck me as kinda weird.
   Please tell me you see a sweater, too. Maybe it's not crocheted, maybe it's knitted. I never was good on stuff like that. I know it's not cross stitched, quilted, embroidered or latch hooked.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I Need to Confess.

   I vote. I'm a registered voter.
   I've voted in every election that I was eligible to vote in. Except one.

   That's the one I want to talk about.
My vote doesn't count. It won't matter. My one vote won't make a difference.
You've heard people give those reasons for why they don't vote.


   A few years ago there was a school board election. And I didn't vote. I meant to, but I got busy working in the yard and it was on a Saturday and the polls closed before I got a chance to vote.
   One vote. Doesn't make that much of a difference, right?
The results were announced on the news. It's a tie. There will be a recount.
The recount resulted in a tie.
   So there had to be a runoff election. I have no idea how much it costs. I did hear one person estimate it at @$10 - 15 thousand but they said they weren't sure. I asked the election commissioner, he didn't give me an answer. I asked the newspaper editor, he didn't give me an answer.
   The runoff drew more than twice the voters the original election did. 
If just one of those extra voters had shown up to vote, there wouldn't have been a tie. If I had made it to vote there wouldn't have been a tie. 

There are elections coming up. Primaries. General elections. Special elections.


Speaking of special elections. There's one Saturday in Texas. To replace Blake Farenthold. He resigned after the ethics committee reopened an investigation into some charges that had been made against him. $84000 was paid to settle the claim. He promised to pay it back, he didn't. The special election was called by the governor so that the area that was hit by Hurricane Harvey will have representation in Congress. If there is not a candidate who gets the majority of the votes Saturday, there will be a runoff. Probably in September. One estimate says the special election will cost $200000. I hope there's a clear winner. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

19 Years Ago

  Someway, somehow, I managed to talk Yvette into marrying me. I'm not sure how I did it.
   She's not sure how I did it. 
  But 19 years ago, we said I Do. 19 of the best years of my life.
   I know this is true because years ago I found a post card that had been sent back around 1920 or 1921 that said:

A man isn't complete

Until he's married.


He's finished!

   I've heard the comment made you shouldn't marry the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, Marry the one that you can't live the rest of your life without.
  I don't know as I exactly agree with that. But I do know after 19 years of being married to Yvette, she completes me. And she's the one that I don't want to spend the rest of my life without. And that's what I think a marriage should be about.
   What's the secret to our marriage? We don't argue. Ever. My parents were together almost 54 years and I don't think I ever heard them argue. Or at least they didn't do it in front of me. 

Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Power of Prayer 🙏

   We gonna go old school. Courier old school. I usually use some of the more modern fonts or the more condensed fonts. But today, Courier it is. We used to have basically 3 choices of fonts: Courier, Pics, or Elite. And I couldn't tell you what Pica or Elite looked like. But that had nothing to do with this.
   The Power of Prayer 🙏. I believe in it. I also believe in the Power of Medicine. And I think of if you'got the 2 working together, you've really got some POWER!
   If you recall, I asked for very specific prayers a couple of weeks ago:
 So, what I would like, if I may ask this of you, is for you to pray that this cancer hasn't spread. That it will be in just this lump in my neck, and the doctors will be able to get rid of it. Thanks!
And before we had the PET Scan
Reverend Jamie prayed for me, that it hadn't spread and they would be able to treat it and get rid of it. When she got up to pray, Shawn, the lady that was taking me to where they are going to do the procedure put her hand on my shoulder and bowed her head. Okay, I don't know this woman, but I like her already.

   Where does the Power of Prayer figure in?
   The biopsy results say the cancer is confined to one spot. My Lingual Tonsils. That's what the surgery is going to remove. The doctor says that when she removes the tonsils we're looking for clear margins. 
  And after the biopsy results came back.
So we have a Plan. But we don't have a date. The insurance has to precertify . And according to the doctors office that usually takes from 7-10 business days.

   So if you could share a prayer for accelerated approval, that would be great!
   We got the phone call from the Doctor about 5:30 Tuesday afternoon. She said she would submit it to the insurance Wednesday morning. I posted that about noon on Wednesday.
   Thursday afternoon about 3:00 we got the call from the Doctors office with a date. 
   Whoever has prayed for the things I've asked for,
   We also got a letter in the mail that inside it said prayers. And for those prayers. I really can't begin to tell you how thankful we are.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Okay, I'm Ready For This

   7-10 Days
   That's what they told us when we got called Tuesday afternoon about 5:30. That it would take 7-10 days to get approval from the insurance company and then they could schedule my surgery.
  Thursday afternoon about 3:30 we get a call from the doctors office.
  July 12
   July 12 is the date they gave us. Be there at 9:00.
   I'm Ready to get this out of my body. Ready to get the side effects out of my body. This swollen lymph node(s) in my neck is, well, a pain in the neck.
   But we got a date and a time. It'd be nice if they're move the date up. Really nice. 
   A friend pointed out that bringing me home with the cancer gone from my body would be a great birthday present for my wife. 
  Coming home June 26 without cancer in my body would be a great anniversary present. I know it ain't going to happen. I'm not sure how we'd get it to happen if they called and said we could do it.
   But July 12. Little less than 3 weeks away. 
   Bring on the wrecking ball and get this cancer knocked it of my body.
   Get the enlarged lymph nodes out of my body.
   Get on with my life.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

We've Got a Plan!

   We think!  The Doctor called yesterday afternoon to let us know that the results of the biopsy showed that the cancer is confined to one tumor on the base of my tongue. In my lingual tonsils. And then they remove my lymph nodes. Followed by radiation.
   So we have a Plan. But we don't have a date. The insurance has to precertify . And according to the doctors office that usually takes from 7-10 business days. 
   So if you could share a prayer for accelerated approval, that would be great.
   The other option is chemotherapy and radiation. I think I'd rather have the surgery with radiation. Mainly because the chemo with radiation doesn't guarantee that I won't wind up needing surgery anyways to remove the swollen lymph nodes from what I've been reading. Maybe I'm just doing too much reading. 
   Either way, we're waiting on the decision from the insurance.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

I'm a Fairly Patient Patient

   Yes, and I'm a thief also. I blatantly stole this image from the internet. If I could find out where, I'd give them credit.
   But let me see, what was I thinking about? A patient that's patient. That's what I'm trying to be. I don't want to be stressed out. Patience. Ommmm. I'd try taking up meditation but I'd probably just fall asleep.
   When they did my biopsy on Thursday, they said the results should be in Saturday off Monday. I said then that probably means I'll get the results Wednesday. I was halfway being sarcastic, because sometimes sarcasm is one of my fortes. My wife called this morning (Monday) to see if they had the results yet, they said they would leave a message.
   I made the mistake of saying to her later that my throat was hurting after lunch. I probably ate something I shouldn't have that irritated where they did the biopsies. 
   But my wife called back to ask them if that was normal. Cause, you know, we're not sure what's normal and what isn't normal in this situation. 
   Then she called back later because we hadn't gotten a call back. They told her they had called back and we didn't answer the phone. The phone was right beside us. We never heard it ring. But they are right, they had called. Even left voice messages.
   The messages they left said, you called and left a message for us.
   Actually she had called and asked a question. 2 questions. 
1: Did they have the results. 
2:  Is it normal for my throat to hurt?
   We don't have answers to those questions. And the doctor is at clinic Tuesday where evidently they don't have phones. 
   I say evidently they don't have phones because they couldn't give Yvette a number where she could call Tuesday. 
   But the doctor will be back at the office on Wednesday, which is the day that I figured would be the day that I got results in the first place. Further reinforcing that idea is I figured out from counting the pills on the prescriptions they wrote, taken as directed, the steroids should run out Wednesday morning. And the pain pills run out Tuesday night. 
   Luckily the pain in my throat isn't as bad now. I'm guessing that the scab that was forming on the whatever they cut out to biopsy was what was bothering me. I would share pictures of what finally broke loose and I spit out, but I don't want to make you sick. 
   But really, I am patient. And I was in pain. Which for me to be in pain, probably means I must be hurting bad. I have a pretty good tolerance to pain, I think. 
   A few years ago I was on vacation. I know I had a kidney stone but it wawasn bothering me enough to go to the doctor. But after I passed this, I took 2 ibuprofen.
    Think about that coming out with no pain relievers.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

It's Right on the Tip of my Tongue (Part 2)

Where was I? Where am I? Oh. My mouth hurts. They must have done the surgery.
Which is cool. Cause that's what we went for. My tongue feels funny. Or my mouth feels funny to my tongue. Something.
   The nurse is saying something about waiting for me to be admitted overnight. I've never seen this nurse before, so I guess I must be in post-op recovery
   I said "I supped go home."
  She looked at me and said "what?"
   I tried again. "I'm spost go home"
   Okay that was a little better.
   " I HAVE to go home. My wife will think I'm cheating on her if I don't come home."
   The look on the woman's face was worth the pain saying that cost. Like "he's just had a biopsy on his tongue and his mouth and he didn't tell his wife he was going to have this what kind of person would do that?"
   Then I coughed.
   So now I needed to spit. I told her I needed to spit. She gave me what looked like a plastic canning ring with a plastic bag attached. I tried to spit. It didn't work out too well. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in 18 hours. Then I guess they had a oxygen tube in my nose while they poked around in my mouth and throat with a robot. So I was kinda dehydrated. But I did the best I could to spit.
   Finally the nurses decided they had discharge orders coming so they were going to send me back to my room so I could get ready to leave. 
   They got me to my room and Yvette was waiting on me. Her and Elicia both were there. They had waited on me to get out of surgery😊 Then they're talking about where they went to eat while I was out. Hmm. They didn't wait. 😮They left and went out to eat while I was gone. 
   I don't blame them. They had left for the hospital when I did. After 12 hrs or so I guess it's okay that they could be a bit hungry. Not that they needed my permission to be hungry or thirsty, they're both grown women. Even though they had both had a soft drink and a bag of chips before I was taken away. Heck, I know I was hungry and thirsty.
   I mentioned it to the nurse that brought me my pain pills. She asked what I wanted to drink and I asked for Dr. Pepper. She gave me 2 pain pills and a pack of crackers. I told her I wanted more crackers. She wanted me to take the pain pills first. I told her I wanted to get something on my stomach before I took pain pills. Especially since I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in 20 hours. I seem to recall that the orders they gave Yvette everytime they gave her pain pills after a surgery said:
   I broke the crackers in half, put them in my mouth and took enough Dr Pepper in my mouth to dissolve them so I could swallow them. I finally took the pills after about 4 packs of crackers.
   Finally after taking my pills, they brought me my prescriptions and told me I could get dressed so I could go home! WooHoo! I can barely talk, but I get to go home!
  We made it to the car and we left the hospital and I got asked what I wanted to eat. I said broccoli cheese soup. I figured that would be good to eat. It would be creamy and warm and wouldn't hurt my throat going down.
   Yvette starts looking for a place that would have broccoli cheese soup. It was after 9 PM. The places we could think of that would have soup were closed. So they said how about a milkshake. I didn't want a milkshake. 
   They had said I should drink broth or something like that. I KNOW. KFC!
   They have gravy. Gravy is just really thick broth. And I like KFC gravy. Elicia and Yvette didn't even argue with me. We went to KFC and Elicia orders me a container of Gravy. They asked if we needed a drink. Nope, just a container of Gravy. And a straw.
   We made it home. I'm feeling a little better. It doesn't hurt too bad to swallow. But I won't be eating anything too solid for a couple of days. I ate a piece of sausage this morning. (You don't want to see a picture of the scab that that tore loose from the lingual tonsillectomy)
And we wait to find out what the biopsies say to set a plan.

What made the trip to Memphis possible and all of this has been friends. Elicia drove us to Memphis. Allison watched the children and took them over to Mike and Ann's. And Seigle entertained them. Reverend Jamie, Shawn (the patient coordinator you from PET scan) and a whole lot of other people have prayed for us. And Ellen brought us food. And so we wait....

P.S. the white things you see in the tip of my tongue, those are stitches. I don't know if they're supposed to dissolve and fall out or if the doctor is going to take them out the next time I see her.

It's Right on the Tip of my Tongue (Part 1)

   Or maybe not. They didn't say anything to me. Or maybe they did and I just didn't hear them. I was rather out of it at the time. I know when I got back to my room, they had told Yvette that they saw something so they decided to biopsy it.
   I know they biopsied something on the back of my tongue. Lingual tonsils.
   I never knew anything about lingual tonsils until Monday. That's when the nice lady from the doctors office told me they were going to do a tonsillectomy. I did ask how they were going to do a tonsillectomy when I had my tonsils removed years ago.
That's when she said something about they didn't take all my tonsils out.
   I didn't question too much. I figure they're doctors doctors, this is the stuff they do, I put my trust in God. And we've played that God will guide the surgeons hands.
   So we get to the hospital at 8:40. They said to be there by 9:00. Elicia drove us to Memphis and waited with Yvette while they did the "procedure". And there was a lot of waiting to do. After that got me all signed in and into my room the nurse is going through and telling me all the stuff I've got to do: Take off all your clothes, put on these special socks, put on the gown, use these special cloths to wipe down your body to sterilize it, take the special swabs to wipe inside your nose, get in bed and wait. I did all that stuff and when she came back I asked for a bigger gown. Then she told us that my surgery was scheduled for 1:00. That I would be taken down to pre-op around 12, then surgery would take about an hour, I'd have about an hour in post-op, back to the room for about an hour, and I should be released by 4:30.
   Okay, when Yvette was having surgeries/procedures/whatever we get get signed in and they'd usually have her in pre-op an hour after we are supposed to be there.
   11:30 Elise, my nurse comes in and says there is an emergency and my tee time has been moved back a bit. They'll come get me when they're ready for me. I haven't had anything to eat or drink since midnight and you're telling me it's going to be longer before I can have the procedure. And have anything to eat or drink?
   1:30 Elise comes back again and says they're still working on the emergency.
   2:30 Elise comes back and tells me they're going to move us down to the 1st floor because they close where I was at at 3:00
   4:30 I think, they come to get me to take me to pre-op (or the anaesthesia doctor) as one nurse put it.
   5:42 I think was the time they rolled me into the operating room. And that's all I remember until I woke up in recovery.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Toughest Parts of Parenting a Daughter

   I thought I'd go ahead and write about this to get it out of my system. Father's Day is coming up. Finding an old picture I took years ago brought this to mind. I would prefer if they'd have a Dad's Day, cause being a father is the result of a random meeting between a sperm and an egg. That's not what this is about though.
   Being a dad is intentional. It's not the result of having too much to drink in a bar and fumbling around in the back seat of a car.
   You've got to be brave. Especially if your child has to drink one of those extremely expensive formulas that is really, really easy for your child to digest. It stinks going in, it stinks worse coming out.
Yeah, you get the idea. It reeks. I think it contains sulfur or something.
   Changing the diaper on a son is easy, you just have to be really quick and dodge the water pistol. Changing a girl is different. You have to make sure you wipe the right way. I know because the doctor told me this whenever I took her to the doctor. 
   "Okay, but she's got a runny nose, can you look at that? It's what she's here for."
   You manage to survive that part of life. Neither one of you is left permanently scarred.

   Then it happens. A friend told me about this. 
   His daughter called with the scariest words he'd ever heard. 
"Dad, I need pads." 
"You need to call your mom" 
"She's on a trip"
   I just ran with it from there
   You can do this. It's no big deal. You've gone and picked them up for your wife. You get your sunglasses and ball cap. Your jacket with a hood. Because you've got to not be recognized. You walk to the aisle and........
   You realize that you know your daughter's favorite song, you know her best friend, you know her favorite food, but you don't know what brand she uses. You don't know what style. You try calling your wife. She won't answer. You text her. She doesn't answer. You're standing in the middle of the 'girl stuff aisle' like a deer caught in the headlights. So you text your daughter to find out. She replies. 
   You make the selection, then go to the first aid aisle because you're a MAN. You've been married for years and you know if she needs stuff from 'that aisle' she probably needs aspirin or acetaminophen or ibuprofen or one of those pms relief pills. Then you realize you don't know what brand of those she uses either, so you grab one of each and check out.
   You walk to the front to check out and hope that the cashier that you always use ISN'T there because if she sees you buying a different brand than what you usually do she'll tell your wife you may be cheating on her. Luckily she's not there so you get checked out and go home.
   You go to your daughter's room, open the door just enough to throw the bag in, and then go hide in your room. And then you and her about making any contact with each other for the next 2 weeks.
   I get through and he is just staring at me so I asked "What?"
  He said, "I never thought about the cashier."
  Now I'm laughing. And I hope you are too.

   But the scariest part is yet to come. Cause someday they're going to get married (I hope)
   Maybe they'll do me a favor and just elope.

As always:
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
Thank You for Your Support!

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Get Stock, Help Nelson Get Stock!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Message are You Sending?

   A few years ago, I'm not really sure how many, it was shortly before Father's Day and I was in the grocery store. I saw this advertisement somewhere else in the store. And it's a pretty neat enticement. Spend $30 and get $10 off your next shopping trip. Or spend $40 and get $15 off.
   Then I wound up on the feminine hygiene aisle. And they have the same thing there. Talk about weird placement. Feminine pads as a reward for Dad?
   Well, in a way they might be. If you've got a single teenage daughter, the fact that she needs these items means you're not going to become a GRANDFATHER immediately. In that case those are an excellent reward.
   So I start laughing in the grocery store. On the feminine hygiene aisle. And the lady who was working on stocking that section of the store comes over to ask me if I need help. I probably did, probably still do, but nothing that she could help me with. But I did point out what I thought was weird signage placement. And then she started laughing.
   But I got myself under control. And she got herself under control. And I pointed out that it could also be emotionally devastating signage placement.
 Let's say, if you were a man and you and your wife had been trying to conceive for months. Or years. With no success. And now you have to go to that particular aisle and get those particular products. Again. It'd be a depressing reminder that you're spending another Father's Day not being a father.
In that case, there's no humor to be found. Location and situation change the interpretation. Changes the message you're sending.

As always:
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
Thank You for Your Support!

Join Robinhood. Use my link. If you sign up, you get one share of stock, I get one share of stock. There's no guarantee of what the stock will be.

Get Stock, Help Nelson Get Stock!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

You Should Write More

   I've been told that a few times recently, I'm not exactly sure why. I've been writing stuff down and putting it up for quite a while. Putting links on Facebook. Sometimes I'd post the link on Twitter.
   But hardly anyone ever read it. 6 views. 12 views. 13 views. The average number of views on my 26 posts thus far has been less than 50.
   But about a week ago. I got some not so good news. Okay, it was bad news. I took something I'd posted about 4 years ago and added to it. And I tagged my wife and 2 of my children when I posted it on Facebook. And I've got 500 views on that post.
   If I'd known I was gonna get that many people to read what I wrote, I'd have gone out and gotten me some cancer a long time ago. No, no I wouldn't have. Basically the stuff I've written has been written for me. And I would be a lot happier with 50 people reading the junk I write and not having cancer.
   But there is, or there should be a little arrow down there at the bottom of this  where you can go back and read some of the earlier writings. Or maybe it's a radio button that says older posts. I don't know.
   Different ways of viewing things means that what I see if it look at something on a phone may be different from what someone else sees on a computer. But there's some way you can go back and read some of my older posts.
   Posts about Jesus being an inventor.  About wondering what the story was behind what I could see, or if there was a story. Just random thoughts.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Tune In Next Week

   That's the best I can say. I had a PET scan today after waiting a week. The results have been forwarded to the Doctor and a course of action will be decided upon.
   What course of action that's going to be, I don't know. Since they didn't get the results from the biopsy to us until last Friday (they had them Wednesday) it was today (Friday) that I got my PET scan.
   It's good to have friends. One went with us to the hospital. And waited with Yvette while they did the procedure. 
   They injected radioactive sugar into my veins and then scanned my body to see where in my body the sugar was being taken up. The sugar was all evidently going into this lump in my neck.
   But before they too me out to the trailer to do this stuff. Reverend Jamie prayed for me, that it hadn't spread and they would be able to treat it and get rid of it. When she got up to pray, Shawn, the lady that was taking me to where they are going to do the procedure put her hand on my shoulder and bowed her head. Okay, I don't know this woman, but I like her already.
   Turns out what the Reverend prayed for has been spot on so far. 
   The test showed a SUV of 14, not sure exactly what that means, but it only showed activity in the spot that's swollen.
   So hopefully by Monday afternoon we'll know a course of action.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

That's On My Bucket List

      How often do you hear that phrase? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? I know there are people that have them. Written out. And will check stuff off as they accomplish it.
   I don't have one. Maybe I'm unmotivated. Maybe I'm lazy. Maybe I just can't take the time to organize my thoughts and come up with a list. Cause writing stuff down can be hard.
   Or maybe it's because I worry that if I wrote stuff down like that what do I do when I get everything on the list done? What if I forgot where I put the list and can't add anything else. Maybe I NEED to write a bucket list.
   Let me see:
Win the lottery. That's a good one, kinda selfish, but I'd tithe. And pay the taxes on it.
Develop Dairy Gerts. That's another good one. It's been in my head for a long time.
Grow a strain of hemp that's profile is 70:1 CBD to THC. Good medicinal value.
Get even with my wife. Okay, that's just petty.
   It's also the one that's going to be the easiest to accomplish. And I hate that. Tomorrow, I'm going to have a PET scan. They're going to introduce radioactive substances into my body to determine where the bad cells are. The cancerous cells. It's scary. And kind of exciting. Peter Parker got bitten by a radioactive spider, they made a comic book and movies about that.
   "But how is that getting even with your wife?" you might ask.
   Well that's simple. See for several years now, I've gone and sat at the hospital while they took her off and did stuff to her. 
   Removed cysts from her wrist. They looked like kernels of popcorn. At least the one that the doctor didn't remove and I later popped out of her skin did.
   They did a hysterectomy. That's where they take out the hysterical part. And it worked, she was no fun to be around for a few days.
   Repaired her rotator cuff and mended a labral tear. As opposed to a labial tear which is nowhere near the shoulder. Autocorrect must be confused.
   Upper and Lower GI. They make you be cleaned out then stick cameras in body openings to take pictures. The pictures were beautiful and all looked about the same to me. But I already knew Yvette was a beautiful person inside. 😋
   A HIDA scan. Some test where they inject radioactive tracers (hmm she didn't get super powers, darn) to determine how your liver and gallbladder are working. Hers was functioning at 9%. 35-70% is considered normal. Then the doctor told her that her gallbladder couldn't be the problem, that her pain wasn't in the right place. That the gallbladder pain COULD NOT be crossing over from where the gallbladder is to where she was having pain. Maybe it was because her boobs were too big. Ummm, she's having pain on one side, she has 2 boobs.Then another doctor told her that he didn't think it was gallbladder pain, but he would remove it.
   Gallbladder removal along with two gallstones. I hoped we could take them home and make a set of earrings, but they said no.
   But tomorrow, tomorrow she has to sit and wait while they do a procedure on me. 
   And that, I HATE. I don't want her to have to sit there and wait for them to do the PET scan on me. But she's going to have company. She'll have someone to sit with her and wait.
   I had Brayden. Not a great conversationalist, but he kept me occupied while I waited when he went with us to the tests. 
   And then we wait for the results. And find out what they're going to do based on the results. And when we find out, I guess I'll write something else. 
   But honestly, the waiting on this one test is probably going to be as hard on Yvette as me waiting while they did those tests and surgeries on her. 
   So I'm getting even with her and I hate it.😞

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Can I Trouble You for a Second -- Revisited

I need prayers.  

Could you pray for me? 

Prayers Needed!

     If you have very many friends on Facebook, you probably see one of those phrases every day. Possibly even several times a day. To me it's pretty simple. I can either ignore their plea, or I can take a few seconds and ask God to help them through their problem. I may click on like, or I may not. Sometimes I might even comment that prayers have been sent.
       I grew up in church. I hadn't accepted Jesus then, but I knew who he was. I knew about praying too. We would have 3 or 4 every church service. Short and Simple Prayers. Long Involved Prayers. Loud Prayers. Whispered Prayers. (I hated the whispered prayers. You were never sure when they finished. And everybody was looking around to see if the persons lips were still moving)
     The idea of asking someone to pray for you, that was kind of unheard of when I was a child. I'm not sure how old I was the first time I was in a church service and the pastor asked for prayer requests. 
     But now. Oh, now, with Facebook and text messages and Twitter. It's easy to ask the world for prayer requests. And like I said, I'll probably pray for you. I don't care if you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or anything else. You want prayer, you got it. You ask for positive thoughts, you're probably gonna get a prayer said for you. I'm not going to judge whether you're worthy of my prayers. That man I'm praying to, I'll let him be the judge.
     And I hope you don't judge whether I'm worthy to be praying for you. Again, Somebody already has that job. 
     But if I ask for prayers, just know this. I don't care WHO you're praying to. If you pray to God, He will hear your prayers. If you are praying to Allah for me, God will hear your prayers. If you're praying to the left field wall in Wrigley Field for me, God will hear your prayers. 
     Omniscient. It means All Knowing. That's what God is. He knows your needs. He knows my needs. And I'll let him decide whether my prayers are worthy. Cause that's His job. It's not mine, it's not yours. It's His.

     And if you think the left field wall of Wrigley Field is God, I'll be praying for you.

   I wrote this almost 4 years ago. Why am I revisiting it?  My viewpoints haven't really changed. But my situation has. I really have no idea what inspired my writing it originally.
 About 2 weeks ago, I went to the Doctor. I've had a lump in my neck for about a month. It started after I'd been doing some cleanup in the yard. Mowing and trying to clear out some blackberry vines and honeysuckle and poison ivy and weeds that were at the back of the yard. Lots of dust and flying bits of plants. Shortly after that I had a little bit of a sore throat and a slight earache. No big deal.
   The sore throat and the earache went away. But I had what I thought was a lymph gland that was a bit swollen. I didn't go to the doctor cause, well, I don't go to the doctor for every little ailment or ache. I mean, hey, I just went to the doctor back in December for a physical. 
   But that swollen lymph node, it didn't go down. And it got a little bigger. Then, I was looking in the mirror and I realized, that lump had gotten a lot bigger. Like the left side of my neck is now sticking out further than my jaw. Maybe I SHOULD go see a doctor about that.
   The doctor (nurse practitioner) looked at it, felt of it, asked if it hurt, left the room to get a tape measure, and said we're gong to get that looked at 'just to rule out anything bad'. She got a CT scan scheduled for the next day, and INSISTED that I keep that appointment. 
   HMMM. Maybe it's not something simple.
    Then 2 days later, I had to go to Memphis for a biopsy.
   That's DEFINITELY not something simple. The results came back as cancer.
   So Friday, 2 days away, I'm going to have a PET scan. They want to see where all the cancer is.
   So, what I would like, if I may ask this of you, is for you to pray that this cancer hasn't spread. That it will be in just this lump in my neck, and the doctors will be able to get rid of it. Thanks!