Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Really Random Assortment

   Random Thoughts.
   That's the name of the blog. Cause that's what I have. Sometimes I will have a random thought that can be expounded upon to great lengths.
   And sometimes  the random thoughts are just random thoughts without much substance.
   Things like: I hate moles. They are one of the most vile creatures just under the face of the earth. If you read this last year, you might have seen my pictures of my flowers. They were quite beautiful (I think). I had planted hundreds of bulbs. Hyacinths, daffodils, narcissus, and tulips. This year, half my tulips from last year didn't return. The bulbs are gone. The moles ate on them, so they didn't come up this year. I'm going to do something to get rid of the moles this year.

You may have seen the pictures of my buttocks where the dog bit me. This is
the dog that did the biting. She wasn't trying to bite me. I just got in the way. She didn't have any ill intentions towards me. I was just between her and the dog she was fighting  with. Nothing personal. I just got in the way.

   I'm sitting in the waiting room for my CT scan. Wearing my mask.
And this person came in. My mask saw her mask, thought it was a cat, started barking  and chased it up a tree. 

   If laughter is the best medicine, I hope I just cured what ails you. If it made you laugh, or even just brought a smile to your face, pass it on, share it, whatever. Lord knows we need something to brighten or days.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Let's Face It

   This is a facemask. It is made out of cloth. It won't prevent the Coronavirus from getting to me. The virus is so small it can pass through the weave of the fabric. But it can improve my odds of keeping it away if I'm exposed to someone who has the virus. It helps in 2 ways. There are 3 layers of fabric between me and the rest of the world. 4 where the nose and tongue are. 
   It also protects me because when people see me wearing a mask, they practice social distancing. Some of them even give me more than the recommended 6 feet of space. If I cough or fake a sneeze, they'll give me a good 20 feet. I ain't going out in public much anyway. The drive-thru at McDonald's is pretty much it.

   This is my other mask. I made it first. It's a manly mask. It has burlap on the outside. People will give me social distance when I wear it. They look like at me like I want them to give me their wallet. Nobody has offered me their wallet, but I think they'd probably give it to me if I asked.
   The top mask is the one I'm going to wear to my scan and my Dr appointment. I've always heard laughter is the best medicine. I may not cause anyone to laugh, but I'm pretty sure I'll bring a smile to someone's face. 
   Oh, just in case you thought you'd get away without seeing it:
Dog bite 
This was 14 days after the bite. The bruise was going away more I'm left with a lump. It's not really painful unless I put pressure on it, especially around the sides. It's between the size of an orange and a  grapefruit. Well if you cut them in half. And stuck half of it under the skin of your buttocks. Although I'm not sure why you'd want to do that. It's really not that great if a feeling.

Anyway, as always:

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Monday, March 16, 2020

Dog Bitten

   This is not the dog that bit me but he is worried about my dog bite. I think he's worried. He always looks worried. I think he looks worried. It's hard to tell. If he had bitten me it probably wouldn't look like it does now. I think it's healing well, but I'm not sure. Matter of fact, I'm sitting in the doctors office waiting on a check-up.
   So I'll just dive right in and go ahead and show you. There is definitely a change from
8 days after dog bite
9 days after dog bite
Day 8 to Day 9 
The lump in the middle of the bite seems to be getting less bruised looking and the edges of the bruise are seeming to fade some. It's even fading some on the front of the bruise. That part that spread around my hip 
   Even to the point of
my hip. It's starting to fade some. So that's good too. I'll longer you know what the doctor says in a little bit. They're always busy on Monday seeing people that didn't want to run to the E.R. over the weekend.
As always:

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Sunday, March 15, 2020


That is a picture of a Coronavirus. It's not a picture of my bruise. I thought I'd give you a break from that. If you put it on a chain and attached it to a stick, it looks kinda like a weapon called the mace. 
   Coronavirus has been in the news a lot lately. Some people were saying it was being blown out of proportion by the news media. 
   Wednesday night, the President addresses it. Then Friday, some emergency proclamations were issued. I haven't heard the people who were saying it was being blown out of proportion commenting on that. They may be out trying to find toilet paper???
   I don't have the Coronavirus. I don't know anybody who has the Coronavirus. I don't know anybody who wants the Coronavirus. But I know some people that definitely don't need to be exposed to it. And some of them are my relatives. The person that just finished chemotherapy whose immune status is probably at its lowest it'll ever be. Coronavirus could kill them.
6 days after dog bite
   I changed my mind. This is 144 hours (6 days after the dog bite), the lump is still there and the bruise is still spreading around my body. I'll update some more later tonight or possibly tomorrow.

As always:

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

There's a Bright Spot

 Heaven, I'm in Heaven. My heart beats so that I can hardly speak....
   Oh, hi there. I was just singing while I was waiting on you to show up. Today's 
5 days after dog bite
Wednesday. Last night I had my wife take a picture and I just want to say, it's looking a lot better. So it was 5 days after the dog bite. It's looking better, the bruise is starting to fade in the middle. 


   It is still spreading around my hip. And since it's Wednesday,
Cheek to cheek
hump day if you will, I'll let you do a comparison. I can see the lump from the bite on the bruised side. And I can see just a little of the bruised side on the picture taken from the non-bitten side. 

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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

That's . . . . . Strange

   At least I think it's strange. Or maybe it's weird, it could be that it's perfectly normal. I don't know.
   Last night I got my wife to take a picture of my dog
96 hours after dog bite

bitten rear. I looked
at it. Then I looked again. Then I looked a 3rd time. And maybe a 4th time too. Then I asked Yvette if I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. She said I was. Do you see it? I'll give you a second to think about it. 
   Wait, I'll highlight it for you. I've circled it with a yellow highlighter.
Dog bite bruise
The bruise jumped to the other buttock. Like Evil Knievel jumping over a line of buses. And cleared it. Honestly, it's the strangest bruise I've had. Evah.

As always:

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Monday, March 9, 2020

In Case You Wondered

   I'm sure the thought has been bothering you all day. How was Nelson's bruise last night?
   Well, it seems to be dissipating nicely. At last if dissipating means it's still spreading.
The knot isn't quite as
72 hours after dog bite
big as it was. But it's still kinda painful if it's touched. Okay, maybe real painful. You know when you open.the screen door and catch it with your hip while you open the interior door. 

   That's not a good idea. And you get reminded of that if you happen to catch the screen door with your hip.
   I do want to point one thing out before I
See the dog bite
leave this post today. The bruise is not exactly even. There are 2 spots where the bruise is not colorful. Where the teeth where, isn't bruised. That's what is kinda weird. At least to me is weird. I'm not really sure.

   The dog  didn't mean to bite me. I don't think she meant to. She better not have.

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Sunday, March 8, 2020

That'll Bite You in the Butt

   The dog. That is. She's never bitten anyone before that I recall. Not intentionally. Maybe snapped at someone for trying to take her food. Or a bone. 
   So I'm not mad at her. Somebody else told me that the animals around themwere agitated at almost the exact same time.
   I realized that I only showed you the after effects yesterday. So I should have started at the beginning. This is ½ hour after it happened. It was already bruising up nicely, don't you think?
½ hour after dog bite

  It was already feeling like a knot, so I knew it was going to make a really impressive bruise. And it has lived up to my expectations.
   Saturday night, about 8:30, I got Yvette to take a picture. It is
48 hours after dog bite
moving along nicely. And the Dr said it would look worse before it looked better. She knew what she was talking about for sure. But she usually does. She's a bright woman.

   It's not the worst bruise I've ever had on my butt. Sadly. I got kicked by a steer once that went from the middle of my thigh up to around my kidney.
  But that's enough for today, I'll share more soon. I'm sure.

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Saturday, March 7, 2020

This is Awkward

   I haven't written anything in a while. Way too long a while, honestly.
   I've had stuff I could have written about, but I didn't. And things I wanted to write about, but I couldn't. 
   If you continue, you might see a side of me you haven't seen before. My backside, to be precise. 
   So, let me see, first a little background. Years ago I worked security at a bar. The worst thing that I ever had to do was break up a fight between 2 females. That hasn't changed. Thursday night when Yvette was coming in the house, 2 of the dogs started fighting. I don't know why, they might not know why either. But we were working to separate them. Yvette had one dog by the collar trying to pull her away and when we got them apart, I got between them.
   And that's when I got bit. I kinda got lucky. When the dog bit me, she bit where my can of snuff is in my back pocket so she couldn't get her mouth to close but so far. But it was enough.
   I think it was enough, don't you think it was enough? This was
Dog bite after 2½ hours

2½ hours after. It was starting to bruise nicely and it was painful. And felt hard to the touch. And I couldn't stand to sit on that side. And I couldn't lay on my right side in bed without some minor discomfort.
   But it gets better. Or worse, depending on how you look at it. I woke up during the
Dog bite after 7½ hr
night with some not quite as minor discomfort so I decided to take a picture. The bruise is getting bigger. And darker. And firmer. And more painful.
   In the morning I told Yvette I was going to the doctor. She agreed that that was a good idea. The diagnosis was a hematoma. With a recommendation of putting ice on it. And take aspirin or Tylenol or something OTC for pain. So that's what I did. 
   I took another picture Friday night at 8:30. 24 hours after
Dog bite after 24 hr
the bite. I'm not sure if it's done getting worse or not. You probably should tune in tonight or tomorrow sometime. Hopefully I'll remember to take a picture and write something about it.

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