Tuesday, May 26, 2020


   That's what the Dr said the odds are that what I went through 2 years ago, I may be having to go through again.
   I haven't been this excited since my cat had kittens and my dog had fleas. 🙄  If I gotta go through it again, I'll go through it again.
   I'm not excited about the prospects. But  it is what it is. And I'll find out what's going on next week and the week after. 
   There is one thing I'm kinda worried about though. Ya see, the last time I had to go through treatment, I'd wear a mask when I went out sometimes. Especially right after my chemo. The doctors said it would help prevent me getting an infection that could have set back my treatment. 
   Now we got this here Coronavirus crap going around and a whole bunch of folks  think wearing a mask is silly or that you're giving in to liberal media fear mongering.
Some folks really like that phrase. They keep repeating it over and over. Like a bunch of sheep bleating. 
   I have seen a report that says masks do not provide any deterrent to the spread of the virus. There are some numbers if you follow the link in the report. The way it reads, they swabbed the outside of the masks and found the Coronavirus. And thus deduced that masks didn't reduce the spread of the virus. I'd really need Bob Trejo to double check my thinking, but if there is virus left on the mask after you cough through it, didn't it reduce the virus that entered the environment?
   But I digress, I don't know what the results are going to be from my doctor visit and my PET scan next week. And those results or lack thereof will determine the course of treatment. 
   I hope they don't have to cut my head ¼ off the way off. Again. 
  I also hope if I'm out wearing a mask that someone doesn't make a disparaging remark, cause I might be forced to inform them their information is coming from a non peer reviewed source using non sufficient data on a study that doesn't contain enough replications (none) to get a red ribbon in a 4th grade science fair. 
    I'll find out a little Monday, June 1.
My PET Scan is June 5 and my doctor appointment is June 8 to get my results. 
                 As always:

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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dear Zeke,

   I remember the first time I met you. I had tears in my eyes the first time I held you. Evidently I was allergic to the lotion Yvette had put on in you or something.  Or maybe it was all the people getting off the plane congratulating me on my new child. 
  I had already seen a picture of you. Your mom had sent me
a link to your photoshoot. There may have been a few times I questioned if you were really mine or not. 
   Then you'd do something and your mom would say you were definitely my child.
   But as you got older you displayed an
amazing love of animals and a  talent for creativity. Sometimes (at least once) you were even a model child. I don't remember whose belt you used for the snake. But it was pretty amazing to see.
   You've done a lot of growing up through
the years. And you still have more to do in the future. Maybe not in height, but growing into maturity. Making decisions. You'll make some good ones, you'll make some bad ones. I hope how we've raised you leads you to make more good than bad.
   At some point last night, Possibly while we were waiting for the graduation to start, Possibly while watching
you walk out onto that field, Possibly while watching you walk across the stage, Possibly while watching you walk back to your seat with your diploma in your hand. I don't remember exactly when. I might have felt a tear come to my eye. Not necessarily because you were graduating. It might have been the pollen in the air triggering my allergies.
   Or maybe it was when the realization struck me. You had just GRADUATED! 

And it'll be 13 years before Brayden graduates!
   Zeke, I love you and always want the best for you in your life. Get an education, keep drawing and never forget what a wise person once said to me:
  "If you find a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life"
   Maybe it won't take you as long to figure out what that means as it did me.

P.S. Graduations are the only time you'll hear most parents shout "that's my boy!"
While their sons are wearing a dress.