Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Message are You Sending?

   A few years ago, I'm not really sure how many, it was shortly before Father's Day and I was in the grocery store. I saw this advertisement somewhere else in the store. And it's a pretty neat enticement. Spend $30 and get $10 off your next shopping trip. Or spend $40 and get $15 off.
   Then I wound up on the feminine hygiene aisle. And they have the same thing there. Talk about weird placement. Feminine pads as a reward for Dad?
   Well, in a way they might be. If you've got a single teenage daughter, the fact that she needs these items means you're not going to become a GRANDFATHER immediately. In that case those are an excellent reward.
   So I start laughing in the grocery store. On the feminine hygiene aisle. And the lady who was working on stocking that section of the store comes over to ask me if I need help. I probably did, probably still do, but nothing that she could help me with. But I did point out what I thought was weird signage placement. And then she started laughing.
   But I got myself under control. And she got herself under control. And I pointed out that it could also be emotionally devastating signage placement.
 Let's say, if you were a man and you and your wife had been trying to conceive for months. Or years. With no success. And now you have to go to that particular aisle and get those particular products. Again. It'd be a depressing reminder that you're spending another Father's Day not being a father.
In that case, there's no humor to be found. Location and situation change the interpretation. Changes the message you're sending.

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