The Power of Prayer 🙏. I believe in it. I also believe in the Power of Medicine. And I think of if you'got the 2 working together, you've really got some POWER!
If you recall, I asked for very specific prayers a couple of weeks ago:
So, what I would like, if I may ask this of you, is for you to pray that this cancer hasn't spread. That it will be in just this lump in my neck, and the doctors will be able to get rid of it. Thanks!
And before we had the PET Scan
Reverend Jamie prayed for me, that it hadn't spread and they would be able to treat it and get rid of it. When she got up to pray, Shawn, the lady that was taking me to where they are going to do the procedure put her hand on my shoulder and bowed her head. Okay, I don't know this woman, but I like her already.
Where does the Power of Prayer figure in?
The biopsy results say the cancer is confined to one spot. My Lingual Tonsils. That's what the surgery is going to remove. The doctor says that when she removes the tonsils we're looking for clear margins.
And after the biopsy results came back.
So we have a Plan. But we don't have a date. The insurance has to precertify . And according to the doctors office that usually takes from 7-10 business days.
So if you could share a prayer for accelerated approval, that would be great!
We got the phone call from the Doctor about 5:30 Tuesday afternoon. She said she would submit it to the insurance Wednesday morning. I posted that about noon on Wednesday.
Thursday afternoon about 3:00 we got the call from the Doctors office with a date.
Whoever has prayed for the things I've asked for,
We also got a letter in the mail that inside it said prayers. And for those prayers. I really can't begin to tell you how thankful we are.
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