Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I Need to Confess.

   I vote. I'm a registered voter.
   I've voted in every election that I was eligible to vote in. Except one.

   That's the one I want to talk about.
My vote doesn't count. It won't matter. My one vote won't make a difference.
You've heard people give those reasons for why they don't vote.


   A few years ago there was a school board election. And I didn't vote. I meant to, but I got busy working in the yard and it was on a Saturday and the polls closed before I got a chance to vote.
   One vote. Doesn't make that much of a difference, right?
The results were announced on the news. It's a tie. There will be a recount.
The recount resulted in a tie.
   So there had to be a runoff election. I have no idea how much it costs. I did hear one person estimate it at @$10 - 15 thousand but they said they weren't sure. I asked the election commissioner, he didn't give me an answer. I asked the newspaper editor, he didn't give me an answer.
   The runoff drew more than twice the voters the original election did. 
If just one of those extra voters had shown up to vote, there wouldn't have been a tie. If I had made it to vote there wouldn't have been a tie. 

There are elections coming up. Primaries. General elections. Special elections.


Speaking of special elections. There's one Saturday in Texas. To replace Blake Farenthold. He resigned after the ethics committee reopened an investigation into some charges that had been made against him. $84000 was paid to settle the claim. He promised to pay it back, he didn't. The special election was called by the governor so that the area that was hit by Hurricane Harvey will have representation in Congress. If there is not a candidate who gets the majority of the votes Saturday, there will be a runoff. Probably in September. One estimate says the special election will cost $200000. I hope there's a clear winner. 

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