That's the best I can say. I had a PET scan today after waiting a week. The results have been forwarded to the Doctor and a course of action will be decided upon.
What course of action that's going to be, I don't know. Since they didn't get the results from the biopsy to us until last Friday (they had them Wednesday) it was today (Friday) that I got my PET scan.
It's good to have friends. One went with us to the hospital. And waited with Yvette while they did the procedure.
They injected radioactive sugar into my veins and then scanned my body to see where in my body the sugar was being taken up. The sugar was all evidently going into this lump in my neck.
But before they too me out to the trailer to do this stuff. Reverend Jamie prayed for me, that it hadn't spread and they would be able to treat it and get rid of it. When she got up to pray, Shawn, the lady that was taking me to where they are going to do the procedure put her hand on my shoulder and bowed her head. Okay, I don't know this woman, but I like her already.
Turns out what the Reverend prayed for has been spot on so far.
The test showed a SUV of 14, not sure exactly what that means, but it only showed activity in the spot that's swollen.
So hopefully by Monday afternoon we'll know a course of action.
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