I need prayers.
Could you pray for me?
Prayers Needed!
If you have very many friends on Facebook, you probably see one of those phrases every day. Possibly even several times a day. To me it's pretty simple. I can either ignore their plea, or I can take a few seconds and ask God to help them through their problem. I may click on like, or I may not. Sometimes I might even comment that prayers have been sent.
I grew up in church. I hadn't accepted Jesus then, but I knew who he was. I knew about praying too. We would have 3 or 4 every church service. Short and Simple Prayers. Long Involved Prayers. Loud Prayers. Whispered Prayers. (I hated the whispered prayers. You were never sure when they finished. And everybody was looking around to see if the persons lips were still moving)
The idea of asking someone to pray for you, that was kind of unheard of when I was a child. I'm not sure how old I was the first time I was in a church service and the pastor asked for prayer requests.
But now. Oh, now, with Facebook and text messages and Twitter. It's easy to ask the world for prayer requests. And like I said, I'll probably pray for you. I don't care if you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or anything else. You want prayer, you got it. You ask for positive thoughts, you're probably gonna get a prayer said for you. I'm not going to judge whether you're worthy of my prayers. That man I'm praying to, I'll let him be the judge.
And I hope you don't judge whether I'm worthy to be praying for you. Again, Somebody already has that job.
But if I ask for prayers, just know this. I don't care WHO you're praying to. If you pray to God, He will hear your prayers. If you are praying to Allah for me, God will hear your prayers. If you're praying to the left field wall in Wrigley Field for me, God will hear your prayers.
Omniscient. It means All Knowing. That's what God is. He knows your needs. He knows my needs. And I'll let him decide whether my prayers are worthy. Cause that's His job. It's not mine, it's not yours. It's His.
And if you think the left field wall of Wrigley Field is God, I'll be praying for you.
I wrote this almost 4 years ago. Why am I revisiting it? My viewpoints haven't really changed. But my situation has. I really have no idea what inspired my writing it originally.
About 2 weeks ago, I went to the Doctor. I've had a lump in my neck for about a month. It started after I'd been doing some cleanup in the yard. Mowing and trying to clear out some blackberry vines and honeysuckle and poison ivy and weeds that were at the back of the yard. Lots of dust and flying bits of plants. Shortly after that I had a little bit of a sore throat and a slight earache. No big deal.
The sore throat and the earache went away. But I had what I thought was a lymph gland that was a bit swollen. I didn't go to the doctor cause, well, I don't go to the doctor for every little ailment or ache. I mean, hey, I just went to the doctor back in December for a physical.
But that swollen lymph node, it didn't go down. And it got a little bigger. Then, I was looking in the mirror and I realized, that lump had gotten a lot bigger. Like the left side of my neck is now sticking out further than my jaw. Maybe I SHOULD go see a doctor about that.
The doctor (nurse practitioner) looked at it, felt of it, asked if it hurt, left the room to get a tape measure, and said we're gong to get that looked at 'just to rule out anything bad'. She got a CT scan scheduled for the next day, and INSISTED that I keep that appointment.
HMMM. Maybe it's not something simple.
Then 2 days later, I had to go to Memphis for a biopsy.
That's DEFINITELY not something simple. The results came back as cancer.
So Friday, 2 days away, I'm going to have a PET scan. They want to see where all the cancer is.
So, what I would like, if I may ask this of you, is for you to pray that this cancer hasn't spread. That it will be in just this lump in my neck, and the doctors will be able to get rid of it. Thanks!