Saturday, August 18, 2018

Why? Part 2.

 I don't know which why I'm answering here. As far as the looking for field trials on hemp crops,  there are some components of hemp that can alleviate the sides effects of chemotherapy. And that's good enough for me. 
    By next year I'll be cured and able to work. If I am, I'm probably going to apply for a license to grow hemp. Just like an acre or 2. On a tiny part of my land.  Particularly hemp grown for CBD production. But you have to apply for the same license whether your growing for fiber, seed, or flower.
    Getting fluids by IV gives you time to do nothing, something, read, watch TV, sleep. Contemplate all the choices you've made in your life that have led you to this point. 
   Consider the things that recently led up to this: 
   When I left the job I started 3 weeks after moving to TN, I thought I would be off work possibly a month. I was leaving right before Christmas, so I thought I probably wouldn't find anything before the first of the year.
   The New Year came and I wasn't getting any return calls from the applications I was putting in. Then February came along. March, April, May. I'm putting applications in and getting hardly any replies. Not working, I was able to take Yvette to doctor videos, rehab for her shoulder surgery, to get her gall bladder tested, to get her gall bladder removed. 
   I wasn't where I wanted to be (working), but I think God had me where he needed me to be. I did get a couple of interviews by phone during April, a short temp job in May. 
May 22. I went to see the doctor. I had a swollen lymph gland in my neck that had been swollen for about a month. She sent me to get a CT scan the next day. 2 days later I was in Memphis getting a needle biopsy.
   A little less than 3 months later, I'm about 6 weeks post surgery. I found out that my surgery was debulking the mass. I've had 10 days of radiation. I've had 1 dose of chemotherapy and decided that the horror stories I've heard about chemo, just may be true. 
 Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
Thanks for your Support!
Thanks for being You!

(P.S. If you know where I can find field trial results from hemp crops, let me know)

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