This probably sums up the way yesterday felt as good as anything, I felt okay when I got up in the morning. Just a little nauseous. But as the day went on, it got worse.
That's okay, I pretty much expected it to. Especially after the way it made me feel before. Part of the reason I had asked about them giving me IV fluids.
I figure if I can stay liquidified enough maybe I'll get to where I feel like eating sooner.
Pretty sure that will work out. Positive it will.
But right now. This song:
19 Days
And that's okay.
Everyday can't be sunshine and roses. Into each life some rain must fall. Cause the reason that falls makes the roses bloom. 😋
Hey, the neat thing, cancer treatment takes a holiday Monday for Labor Day.
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
Thanks for Your Support!
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