This one was a little better. I had experience. Just lay there and think happy thoughts. Compose a blog in my mind.
Think about what I'm going to write tomorrow. Think about baseball. No wait, that's for something different. 😳
Think about what I want to ask of you.
You see the red circle? That's where they cut out the mass. They didn't cut all of the mass out. And like Johnson Grass or any other weed, if you don't get it all, it's gonna grow back. And the mass seems to be growing.
More importantly, it's grown since they fitted me for my radiation helmet.
Which means, that when they fasten it down, it's pushing on that mass. And it's kinda uncomfortable.
So what I want to ask of you is that you direct your prayers. Pray that this mass will shrink immediately. Not in 2 weeks, not in 3 weeks. NOW!
Thanks. See ya tomorrow.
P.S.: I'm still not glowing in the dark.
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