I've been watching the leaves of the flowers sticking up out of the ground for a while now.
Then today, when I went to the mailbox to get the mail. I saw IT! I had a blossom from the bulbs I had planted. After I walked over and looked at it I turned to walk back towards the driveway and saw that on the other side, I had more!

I'm going to have more blooms. The Crocus are beginning to arrive. This is their first year, so they're probably actually a little late.
Next year maybe they'll get their heads out of the ground and get their buds opened up before the flowers over at the old house get around to blooming. I'm not going to say it in front of the crocus but those daffodils were blooming a week ago.
BTW, I think the groundhog may have been right. I would have to look but I think it was Feb 15th when they bloomed last year. This year February 5th.
I just want to say thank you, 2 people signed up using the link below so now I have 5 shares of stock with Robinhood. GRPN (which was on a rollercoaster yesterday and today ahead of its earnings report and which then took a dive in after hours trading after the report came out) ZNGA (which is up .15 since I got it). I was gifted another share of ZNGA when somebody else signed up which I sold and turned around and bought 3 shares of cheaper stocks that pay dividends. One of them is SDR. It cost $1.03. the next day was the ex-dividend date so I will get 4 cents of a dividend payment from it in a couple of weeks. I also bought 2 shares of another stock that will pay a dividend in 3 weeks. They're not great dividends, but if they keep paying, I'll be able to keep collecting.
As always:
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
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Join Robinhood and we'll both get stock like Apple, Ford, or Sprint for free. Make sure you use my link. If you sign up, you get one share of stock, I get one share of stock. There's no guarantee of what the stock will be.
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