In case I haven't told you in the last few hours, I Love You!
I've loved you since before we even met. I just didn't realize it at the time, cause I wasn't real familiar with what love felt like. At least not the love I felt for you.
I'll admit, I haven't been the perfect husband. But you've always been the perfect wife for me. You frustrate me sometimes, like when you want me to change the cats litter 2 days after I just changed it. Oh, about that, did I ever mention I really don't like cats?
You've put up with my corny Valentine's Day presents in the past. Like the 18/24 Carrot Necklaces (TWICE). Assorted sizes of stuffed animals. A bouquet of a dozen WAX roses. Steak cut in the shape of a heart. You know, that kind of stuff.
But this past year has REALLY made me realize how much you mean to me. Last year at this time, I had spent a couple of months getting you to and from doctor appointments and therapy treatments. We got you healed up and I got sick, and Jeremiah broke his arm. We met at the hospital in radiology that afternoon. Then we took him to get his arm set.
First child we had with a broken bone. But you handled it well. A lot better than i would have ever expected you to, to be completely honest. 2 days later we were on our way to Memphis for a needle biopsy. Then Union City for a PET scan. Then a surgical biopsy. And surgery. And Radiation. And Chemotherapy. And waiting. Waiting for the time to elapse until I could have a final PET scan. Rejoicing over getting the result.
Cancer Free!
This past year hasn't been great, but YOU have been fantastic! I'm so happy to be married to you. Hopefully next year I can give you another 14 Carrot necklace.
With Love,
(Your husband)
As always:
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