She said, "you can take me next time."
Them dang allergies sort of kicked in again as I told her I didn't plan to go to Jackson but 3 times in the next 3 months. Once to get my port out, once for a CT scan and once to get the results for my CT scan.
We get in the van and she is looking in her wallet and says "I have a gift card for Olive Garden."
I asked "You've still got that card? How long have you had that? Is there any balance left on it? Is there an Olive Garden here?"
The answers to my questions were Yes,
Since she retired from VISD, and she was checking on it.
I said I'll see if there is an Olive Garden here. There was. And there was the entire balance of the card still on the card.
Her objection that I don't like Olive Garden led me to say, "no, but you like it, and that's what's important." Dang if HER allergies didn't look like they were bothering her again.
We get to Olive Garden and she tells the waitress we're celebrating a clear PET scan saying I was cancer free.
When the waitress brings our food she tells us to save some room, they're going to give us a free dessert to celebrate with us. I told her thanks and Yvette evidently had another onset of those dang allergies because her eyes started glistening again. Mine barely glistened at all.
Then the manager came by the table and said "I heard y'all were celebrating. We're going to cover your entire meal AND dessert"
She stood there and talked to us for a free minutes and ALL 3 of us were evidently suffering from the same allergies after Yvette was telling her about our kids cause now the managers eyes were glistening so much they ran down her cheeks.
We finally leave and come home and when we arrive the kids are excited cause they've either gotten a text or read my blog from yesterday so they know I had a clear PET Scan.
We go to our bedroom and Yvette tells me she had a present she had made for me that she meant to take with us. It's in a bag on the dresser. She told me not to look in it and I hadn't. I opened it up and when I saw what was inside I went and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
So then she tells me my allergies running down my cheeks. I said yeah, maybe I need to go see Laura Beth, maybe she could prescribe something for these Dang Allergies.
Here's what she got me. She ordered it sometime before Christmas and was going to give it to me after we got the results.
I'm gonna close out like I have been:
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
Thank You for Your Support!
Writing this has seemed to trigger those Dang Allergies again.
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