December 27, 2018. Kinda stressful day. Going to get the results of the test I had been waiting for almost 7 months. Plus, my phone had reminded me it was my parents anniversary so it made me miss them.
Let me be honest with you, I was kinda nervous about getting my results after the voicemail I had gotten the previous afternoon. The thought had gone through my mind that they wanted to wait until Friday because they weren't going to have the results. But I know that they had my results from my previous PET Scan written up within 3 hours. That left me with the niggling thought that they wanted to delay giving me my results because the scan showed that they hadn't gotten it and they needed to set up a treatment plan.
I didn't tell Yvette that, hoping it as was just Satan talking to me.Let me be honest with you, I was kinda nervous about getting my results after the voicemail I had gotten the previous afternoon. The thought had gone through my mind that they wanted to wait until Friday because they weren't going to have the results. But I know that they had my results from my previous PET Scan written up within 3 hours. That left me with the niggling thought that they wanted to delay giving me my results because the scan showed that they hadn't gotten it and they needed to set up a treatment plan.
Strange feeling that, hoping that Satan is talking to you.
But first, we have to leave home. Hannah and Micaela were up because they were going to leave to go home. They both gave me hugs and gave me good wishes.
Yvette went with me to to Jackson for my doctor appointments and my port flush. We get to see the first doctor at 8:30. He asked how I was doing and I expressed I was a little frustrated and told him about the voicemail from the afternoon before. He said, "Let me settle that for you, I can give you the results, the PET Scan came back clear, that's good, we still want to check you to make sure nothing comes back. But I need to take a look and make sure that what the scan shows matches up with what we are seeing. Hey, Cancer, here's your ribbon: go away, don't come back

They schedule me for a CT scan in 3 months and release me to go see the other doctor. Whew.
We go upstairs to the second floor and after they finally get my port flushed so I'm good for a month. And they release me to the 3rd for to see the doctor. They weigh me and take my blood pressure. I've lost a pound. In less than an hour. At this rate, I'll waste away to nothing in 9 days. But they're not worried, so I guess I shouldn't either.
I get it in a room to wait for the doctor. The nurse said 'he's got one patient in front of you.' So I get on the exam table to wait. And wait. And wait. There's another exam table in the room that's more like bed height. Yvette lays down on it, and goes to sleep. I sit there, wrote the blog I posted gateway, play candy crush until I run out of lives and finally decide to go to the bathroom. Just as I open the door, the doctor is starting to knock so almost had one of those 'get hit in the face but the person on the other side of the door moments'.
He asked if I was going to the bathroom and I replied that I was.
He said, "oh I'll be back in a few minutes, you go ahead."
I told him "no, you go in there, I'll hold it. I don't feel like waiting another (look at my watch) 45 minutes."
He came in, told me the PET Scan came back clear but they wanted to schedule me for a CT scan in 3 or 4 months. Yvette said that the other doctor had scheduled one for 3 months from now.
So he asked about taking my port out, and I said that'd sounded good to me. He said we'll call when we get that scheduled and let us get up scheduled for a visit the day after your CT scan. And the nurse will be in here in a second to take the needle out where they had accessed my port to flush it.
He left, I went to the bathroom and as I walked back to the exam room it REALLY hit me, I'm cancer free. They wouldn't offer to take the port out of that they thoought I was just going to need it again in 3 months.
Now those dang allergies are messing with ME. The nurse comes in takes out the needle and says I can go schedule my appointment. Got that appointment scheduled and we start to leave.
(To be continued)
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