I've been blessed throughout my treatments. Blessed to have people praying for me. Blessed to have a doctor that recognized something wrong quickly.
Blessed to get treatment fast. Blessed to stay healthy through the treatments . And from what I've been told, Blessed to keep a Positive Attitude through the treatments.
I'm sure part, if not all, of the positive attitude has been because of the people praying for me. That's part of why I've ended my posts by thanking people who are reading, thanking people who are praying, and thanking people for their support.
I've been told that I didn't have it as bad as it could have been. I don't know. I think part of it has been pretty rough. Maybe putting on 10 pounds before I started the treatments was a help.
For those people who have commented on me looking slim and trim. Losing 30 pounds will do that. Not being able to eat much will do that.
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Praying!
Thank You for Your Support!
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