Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day

   I'm not really a father. At least not biologically. According to the papers I am a father.
   But I am a Dad. Not necessarily a good one. I'm sure I do okay, sometimes.

   But I haven't killed any of them. Yet.
    But I have thought about it. Maybe. A few times.
   When Yvette and I got married almost 21 years ago. I thought I was ready to handle being a Dad. 
   After all this time, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm almost ready to be a Dad. 
   Honestly, I had no idea how much of my life as a parent would be spent having ab-so-freaking-lute-ly no idea what the Heck is going on. 
   I wonder what just happened and if I ask what happened the explanation makes no sense.
   I'm beginning too understand why my dad just nodded. A LOT. There's a LOT of nodding involved in being a dad. That. And umm-hmm. I find myself doing that a lot. It's noncommittal and can't be held against me. Basically, they think I'm agreeing. But I'm really just hoping that whatever I was just asked about isn't illegal, immoral, or liable to cause permanent injury or scarring (either physically or emotionally)
   So this is my 20th Father's Day as a father. 
I like what my kids got me. I didn't get a tie or socks or underwear. I could always use socks and underwear. But I rarely wear a tie.
   I've got these children. I love them. They love me sometimes. Sometimes they don't. I can deal with that. If they always loved me, I'd probably be doing something wrong.
   As always:

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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Totally made up

We send out an intrepid young journalist (IYJ) to interview a person on the street at a protest.

IYJ: how do you feel about #BlackLivesMatter?
Person 1: All Lives Matter.
IYJ:  I guess they do, dont they.
Person 1: yup, sure do
IYJ: I notice your not wearing a mask.
Person 1: yeah, that Coronavirus is all fake anyhow. The government got no right telling people how to live.
IYJ: oh, okay. Does that mean you're pro-choice?
Person 1: hell, no. Planned Parenthood is a buncha murderers. They all oughta be taken out and shot.
IYJ: is that why you are carrying a rifle?"
Person 1: is it's not an automatic weapon. It's a semi automatic. It'll fire 30 rounds, fast as I can pull the trigger. I got 
2 magazine's taped together so I can just flip it over and fire 30 more.
IYJ: So, are you carrying the gun to protect your business?
Person 1: Naw. When I heard they were bussing people in for this protest, I grabbed my gun and my ammo and drove 3 hours to get here.
Person 1: yeah, I figured it was my patriotic duty to come stop the looters. You know how those people from out of town cause trouble.
IYJ: 3 hours away.
Person 1: yes. Hey, if they start looting, you better duck. I wouldn't want to shoot you by accident.
IYJ: I'll keep that in mind. 
Person 1: you always had that twitchy thing going on with your face?
IYJ: I think it just started. 
Person 1: you might want to get that checked out, all lives matter
IYJ: uh, yeah.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


   That's what this is. Well, sorta. It is inconvenient to travel and get the medical treatment or diagnoses. But it will inform the doctor (and me, it will inform me).
   2 months ago, I was here for a CT scan. And something bothered me. So I said something. And 1 thing got fixed. Now I'm back again. And some of the same things are still bothering me.
   See, that bugs me. It shouldn't, but it does. If they can't spell inconveniece right, can I trust them for their medical diagnosis? 
  In reality, I am aware that the people doing the medical treatment are not the ones responsible for the signage. But they all work for the same folks.
   It's an annoyance. I might be a little OCD. Or maybe I'm a lot OCD. But after I've SEEN something, I can't UN-SEE it. It's like my eyes will be unavoidably drawn to the thing that wasn't right anytime I go near it.
   But I was there for a PET scan. And then they added the annoyance of having misspelled words on their sign.
I am not posting this when I wrote it. I'll post it after I do my other post. So y'all will know what the PET Scan said before you find out about this.
As always:

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Monday, June 8, 2020

The ß¡ŤĆĦ ain't back!

   Sorry for the language. But I'm glad.

   The Dr said they're are going to see me again in 3 months. I have some SUV, but it's low enough that they're not worried about it. 
   Yesterday was Cancer Survivor Day. I wanted to celebrate. I could have celebrated. But I had a very unshakeable feeling that today I would get news that I was going to have to go through some type of treatment to remain a survivor.
   I'm not worried. I've done this before. I can handle this. I have a super support team. And hopefully I'd have a plan to take care of it, if there was an it, quickly so I can go on with my life. 
   A plan that would allow me to take care of my other medical problems *cough* Baker's cyst *cough*
   That's the one causing me pain right now. I've put off going to the Dr about that because I didn't want to cause treatment for that to interfere with treatment for this. If treatment for this was necessary.
   I've been worried about this for a while. Well, at least a couple of months now. Ever since I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck in April.
   I've not been scared. I've not really been worried. I've just been resigned. And maybe depressed?
  We're living in tumultuous times. At least I am. Personal stuff. COVID-19 stuff. #BLM stuff. And the #BLM stuff is personal stuff. You know, my wife and kids kind of personal stuff. 
As always:

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