Monday, March 30, 2020

Let's Face It

   This is a facemask. It is made out of cloth. It won't prevent the Coronavirus from getting to me. The virus is so small it can pass through the weave of the fabric. But it can improve my odds of keeping it away if I'm exposed to someone who has the virus. It helps in 2 ways. There are 3 layers of fabric between me and the rest of the world. 4 where the nose and tongue are. 
   It also protects me because when people see me wearing a mask, they practice social distancing. Some of them even give me more than the recommended 6 feet of space. If I cough or fake a sneeze, they'll give me a good 20 feet. I ain't going out in public much anyway. The drive-thru at McDonald's is pretty much it.

   This is my other mask. I made it first. It's a manly mask. It has burlap on the outside. People will give me social distance when I wear it. They look like at me like I want them to give me their wallet. Nobody has offered me their wallet, but I think they'd probably give it to me if I asked.
   The top mask is the one I'm going to wear to my scan and my Dr appointment. I've always heard laughter is the best medicine. I may not cause anyone to laugh, but I'm pretty sure I'll bring a smile to someone's face. 
   Oh, just in case you thought you'd get away without seeing it:
Dog bite 
This was 14 days after the bite. The bruise was going away more I'm left with a lump. It's not really painful unless I put pressure on it, especially around the sides. It's between the size of an orange and a  grapefruit. Well if you cut them in half. And stuck half of it under the skin of your buttocks. Although I'm not sure why you'd want to do that. It's really not that great if a feeling.

Anyway, as always:

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  1. Damn you neljack! Thought this post was not going to be about your bottox!
