Saturday, June 15, 2019

Happy Daddy's Day

   Yes, I said Daddy's Day.
   Probably because I didn't father any of these children. And someday I'm gonna take Yvette to paternity court and prove it. 
   But I Love Them, I put up with them, I frustrate them, they frustrate me; you know all that stuff that children and parents go through. All 7 of 8 or 9 or 10 of them. 
   12 if you count Kim and Denise, who were NEVER mine but effectively ended a date for me one night at Walmart by running up and hugging me and saying "Daddy, Mommy wants to know when you're going to pay the child support". I tried to explain to the person I was with that these were NOT my children to no avail. I didn't even get a handshake goodnight.😡
   But I digress. I was in Co-op at Newbern Wednesday looking for something for Yvette and I saw this:
   It's a hat like my Daddy used to wear when he(we) went to the field to drive tractors or chop weeds. That was back when we didn't spray everything and be done with it until harvest. 
   We sprayed some, we cultivated, and we walked the field using a hoe to get the weeds that the spray and the cultivator didn't get. The best part to me was the chance to get a drink when you got to the end of a round, eating lunch in the shade at the Williams place: potted meat and crackers, bologna sandwich, Red Bird imitation Vienna sausages. 
   Amazing what just seeing that hat brought to my mind. 
   But there's been a couple of things lately that made me realize I'm turning into my Dad. One was last week. I changed the oil in the car and when I got up from the ground Harold started laughing and said you're moving like Daddy. I said "I Love You". I think. I know it ended in You. 😉
  The other happened today at work. I was washing some of the grease and oil off of my arm and I looked in the mirror and saw a bruise. I don't think it was there yesterday. I don't remember hitting my arm on anything. Reminded me of all the times that Momma would ask Daddy what happened to his arm or hand, he'd look at it think for a couple of seconds and say "I must have hit it on something."
   He's been gone a couple of years now and I miss him, especially when I see something like that hat.
   Last year Father's Day fell between losing the tip of my tongue and getting the diagnosis of what they wanted to do. This year, I'm working on father's day, which is much better than last year.

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