Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Technology Works Great ... Until It Doesn't

   I send out a message almost every morning. It's what I used to say to my children when I'd wake them up before school. Then I got to where I would text it when Hannah was at college. Micaela had moved off. Caleb had moved away. I'd even text it to Facebook. But Facebook won't let me text to post anymore. Probably something to do with spamming since the first part was always the same. I've added some other people. I stopped sending it to Micaela and Caleb when they asked me not to. 
      But this morning. I had 2 people that the message didn't go through to. 
A little message shows up saying sending failed. So I tried again. And again. And result every time.
   So I tried sending it to them as a group text. And it sent. But evidently only went to one of the two. So I tried texting a couple of people that have the same prefix. It went through to one but not the other. So I tried texting most of my contacts. Being curious is one of my character flaws. 
   Yeah, it was weird. And there was no logic to who the texts would send to and who they wouldn't. And I have no idea whether some of the ones that the text was sent to actually got them or not. 
I know that it failed to send to an iphone, and an android and a flip phone. And it sent to some people and not others on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. 
   I don't understand why. And strangely enough, I'm actually okay with not understanding. I've got something else I don't understand, but that'll be a later writing. ( which means it may be in 30 minutes or it may be in 30 days). 😉

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