This is one of the first blog posts I ever made. It was actually #2. 9 years ago or so. I posted the link to it then on Twitter. I had 300 people following me. I think 20 people read it.
That blog site was taken over by another company and nothing there seems to be available, but I had saved a copy of it and it was the first thing I posted last year with the goal of blogging again. I posted it on Facebook and 18 people read it.
Little did I know that later in the year, I'd wind up with something to really blog about.
Tomorrow morning I go for my follow-up scan. 6 months post treatment. But looking back I saw this and wanted to repost it. I have no idea if Angy is still a vegetarian or not. But I think she had her 7th or 8th anniversary last year.
I Don't Have Any Vegetarian Friends
Sorry Angy.
A discussion on the twitter yesterday got under my skin a little bit. People were talking about having ______ friends. I let it kinda slide on by, cause I was trying to work at the moment. But I would like to comment now.
I don't have any vegetarian friends. Nor do I have any gay friends. No black friends. No white friends. No Hispanic friends. No atheist friends, nor Christian friends either. If someone is my friend, I don't 'qualify' them. They are my friend . (read that as FRIEND PERIOD).
Friends are the people you can not see for weeks, or months, sometimes even years and start up a conversation. They may ask you about your family, or not mention them at all. Friends are something that you collect as you go through life. You may meet 20 people when you start a new job, and wind up with 3 of them as what you would truly consider a friend. Or you may be lucky and all 20 of them become someone you consider as your friend.
Now to clear things up though, I have friends (or used to) that are homosexual, black, white, hispanic, asian, jewish, catholic, christian, wiccan, atheist, vegetarian, vegan, native american, next door neighbors, miles away on the internet.
But I don't classify them. They are or were just friends.
Some people I almost expect them to parade me around showing me their various collection of friends.
BTW Left-handed, Lesbian Lebanese friends are VERY RARE.
As always:
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