Sunday, March 31, 2019



1. Yesterday I took Zara to Camp Clark WIlliamson for a planning meeting about church camp. While I was there I went up where the Cool Springs cabin is. They've cut down the tree that was right beside the cabin. It's been cut down for a while. They've even cut it into sections. That ๐ŸŒณ is dead.

Evidently, someone forgot to tell the tree it was dead. Because that bud is on the 3rd section of the tree. That tree is intending to grow this year.

2. On my way home, I went to see Buster Brown. I figured he might be bored since Mr. Mac has been having some medical issues. But Buster Brown seemed to be in good spirits. And Mr. Mac seemed to be doing as well as could be hoped for. We talked about buttercups (daffodils). Scrambled Eggs and Butter and Eggs

 This is Butter and Eggs. He had a Scrambled Egg in a vase on his table. They have white petals with an orange inside and look like scrambled eggs. 

Tidbits. Nothing deep. Nothing profound. Just stuff I thought about posting. There's no connection between these things. 

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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cancer Treatment Sucks

   Seriously, it did.

   But it beat the alternative. 

   I lost 60 pounds. So that was a good thing. I needed to lose some weight. And I need to lose some more. But I think I'll try to do that through dieting or something.
   I lost the hair on my neck. Some of it permanently, I think. Which ain't no big deal.
   But there is one thing I regret losing that I've noticed. 
   We've been practicing the Cantata that we're going to sing for Easter at church. 
   And I seem to have lost a few notes at the top of my vocal range. Okay, technically,  I've lost a lot of notes. Like a whole octave.
G4 and up. Gone. D E & F ain't real stable either. But I can deal with it. I didn't lose anything on the bottom range that I've noticed. 
   Maybe with work, I can get those notes back. Maybe not. I may just have to be singing baritone for the rest of my life. 
   Whatever I'm singing ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ, I'll be singing the way it says in the Psalms. Joyfully. (100:1 and 98:4.) It may not be beautifully, but that isn't what the Bible asked for.
   As it says in the good face book:

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Friday, March 29, 2019

I've Got a Secret

   I may be a little weird. There. I've gotten that off my chest. I didn't want anyone to know. But I've realized that I should probably let people know. And I feel much better now that I've let you know. Seriously. Cause I know I can trust you to not tell anyone.
   While I was going through my treatment, I had a little lightweight backpack that I carried with me. It was convenient for carrying paperwork that they would give me. 
   And my support group. A support group that grew as I was going along. 
   It started out with one. 

   And then some friends joined up. And then some more. I didn't always take them out of the backpack. But there were a few times when I was getting fluids or getting the chemo, that I had them sitting on the windowsill. The nurses even asked me a few times if I had my friends with me. 
I did NOT wear my outfit that I bought to any of my treatments. But I did think about it. More than once. But it would have probably made it harder to access my port. And I didn't want to make it more difficult for that. 
   At my appointment Wednesday to get my labs drawn they had some sort of fundraiser thing going on, probably Relay for Life team. But I asked if the guy was wearing a tutu. The lady said no, but she would get him to put it on.
   So the guy came out with his tutu on. He came over. I had a dollar in on pocket that I was going to donate. But Yvette said he should dance or something. So he did a little twirl. So I stuck the dollar in his waistband. 
   I've always heard that laughter is the best medicine. In which case, the guy, Yvette, the women behind the counter, the 5 or 6 people in the sitting area; they all had their medicine for the day. Positive Attitude!

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

It's Like Farming

   The best way to make a small fortune farming is to start with a large fortune.
   Yeah, the stock market is like that.
The stock I had mentioned the other day, IGCC, is available on Robinhood now. They went to the symbol IGC now. I bought a share. Then another. In all, I bought 5 shares. I was keeping track of it and I was trying to protect myself from losing money on it. 
   Stop Loss. You set a price lower than the current stock price. If the price of the stock drops below that, it turns into a sell order. So a dip in the price, the stock sold. Then it went back on its upward trend. I made just over $2 on those 5 shares. 
   I should have just been ๐Ÿ˜Š, right? But the stock went back up after that quick dip. If it hadn't sold, later in the day I could have sold out and made just over $4. I could have bought the si
ock back that same day, 
but there's a little rule about buying and selling stock in the same day. 
   Unless you have $25000 in your account, the powers that be don't want you doing that. Probably a plot made by rich people to keep poor people poor
   Like a Yo-yo
   The next day I bought back into that game. This time I set a Stop Limit. I set a price below the current price that will trigger a sale. But you set a limit that if it drops below that, it stops the sell. And, it dropped. It dropped below the limit. And then it dropped some more. I wound up losing the $2 I had "made" and a little bit more. 
   That whole having all your eggs in one basket. Yeah. That wasn't so good. But you live and learn. I'm moving on. I'm over it.
   I've been getting some emails about investing investing lately. Most of them start off with a pump about if your portfolio is 250000 you NEED this stock.
   So I've only got 249975 to go. 

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   Join Robinhood and we'll both get stock like Apple, Ford, or Sprint for free. Make sure you use my link. If you sign up, you get one share of stock, I get one share of stock. There's no guarantee of what the stock will be.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019


   Keep a POSITIVE Attitude!

   That is something I've noticed among cancer survivors. Positive attitudes. Out of all the survivors I've met or known, that is their most common shared characteristic. 
   The women walking around with no hair because the chemo they're undergoing has caused it to fall out. And they still manage to have a smile on their face. Positive Attitude!
   You see them walking the first lap at relay for life events. 
   Positive Attitudes!

   And there's PinkribbonWendi. Led a breast cancer support group called Breast Friends. When she found she needed double mastectomy; scheduled it for September 11, because that was the day the twin towers fell.  Positive Attitude!
   I have tried to have that same positive attitude. I did things I probably shouldn't have during my treatment. I did things I should have.  I made it to church every Sunday. I prayed a lot. I asked other people to pray for me.
   After I was finished with my treatment, while I was recovering; I planted a bunch of flower bulbs, looking forward to seeing them bloom this spring. Positive Attitude!
Today I got the results from my CT Scan they did yesterday. They wanted to check some stuff they noticed when they did my PET Scan in December. Which they said wasn't mentioned in the first PET Scan from June. Which is weird because they had mentioned it to me in June. 
   The scan said that it hadn't changed. So Dr Gorgeous was happy. (it's actually Georgiou but they have it misspelled on the sign in sheet as Georgious, but since the mind fills in the blanks based on the length of the word and the first and last letter.....)
   Everything looked good! My next checkup is in 6 months. 

As always:
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   Join Robinhood and we'll both get stock like Apple, Ford, or Sprint for free. Make sure you use my link. If you sign up, you get one share of stock, I get one share of stock. There's no guarantee of what the stock will be.

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Monday, March 25, 2019

Looking Back. With Apologies.

   This is one of the first blog posts I ever made. It was actually #2. 9 years ago or so. I posted the link to it then on Twitter. I had 300 people following me. I think 20 people read it.  
   That blog site was taken over by another company and nothing there seems to be available, but I had saved a copy of it and it was the first thing I posted last year with the goal of blogging again. I posted it on Facebook and 18 people read it. 
   Little did I know that later in the year, I'd wind up with something to really blog about. 
    Tomorrow morning I go for my follow-up scan. 6 months post treatment. But looking back I saw this and wanted to repost it. I have no idea if Angy is still a vegetarian or not. But I think she had her 7th or 8th anniversary last year. 

I Don't Have Any Vegetarian Friends
Sorry Angy.
A discussion on the twitter yesterday got under my skin a little bit. People were talking about having ______ friends. I let it kinda slide on by, cause I was trying to work at the moment. But I would like to comment now.
   I don't have any vegetarian friends. Nor do I have any gay friends. No black friends. No white friends. No Hispanic friends. No atheist friends, nor Christian friends either. If someone is my friend, I don't 'qualify' them. They are my friend . (read that as FRIEND PERIOD).
  Friends are the people you can not see for weeks, or months, sometimes even years and start up a conversation. They may ask you about your family, or not mention them at all. Friends are something that you collect as you go through life. You may meet 20 people when you start a new job, and wind up with 3 of them as what you would truly consider a friend. Or you may be lucky and all 20 of them become someone you consider as your friend. 
  Now to clear things up though, I have friends (or used to) that are homosexual, black, white, hispanic, asian, jewish, catholic, christian, wiccan, atheist, vegetarian, vegan, native american, next door neighbors, miles away on the internet.
   But I don't classify them. They are or were just friends.
Some people I almost expect them to parade me around showing me their various collection of friends.

BTW Left-handed, Lesbian Lebanese friends are VERY RARE.

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   Join Robinhood and we'll both get stock like Apple, Ford, or Sprint for free. Make sure you use my link. If you sign up, you get one share of stock, I get one share of stock. There's no guarantee of what the stock will be.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

๐ŸŽต Isn't it Lovely๐ŸŽถ


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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hmm.......That's Different

   I saw something interesting yesterday. It's not exactly something I've never seen before, but it's definitely not normal.
   I could go on a bit more, but I'm just going to lay it out there for ya. 
    That's definitely new, it wasn't there the last time I was there. Strange place for  sinkhole to develop. There's not a ditch or culvert running under there. No waterlines. Not any trees that used to be there. At least not in the last 45 years I know for certain. 
 Let me look a little bit closer. Dang, that definitely wasn't there a month ago.  That's 6 feet across. About 3 feet deep. Almost perfectly round. It kinda reminds me of a cistern. But there's no evidence of anything resembling a support wall. And considering the location. Hmmm.
     We used to pull that trailer across that spot. Loaded with corn. Drove tractors. Cows walked across it. If there was a cistern or well it was before where the trailer is sitting was built.  The long and short of it. I have no idea what caused it. Just something weird.

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Technology Works Great ... Until It Doesn't

   I send out a message almost every morning. It's what I used to say to my children when I'd wake them up before school. Then I got to where I would text it when Hannah was at college. Micaela had moved off. Caleb had moved away. I'd even text it to Facebook. But Facebook won't let me text to post anymore. Probably something to do with spamming since the first part was always the same. I've added some other people. I stopped sending it to Micaela and Caleb when they asked me not to. 
      But this morning. I had 2 people that the message didn't go through to. 
A little message shows up saying sending failed. So I tried again. And again. And result every time.
   So I tried sending it to them as a group text. And it sent. But evidently only went to one of the two. So I tried texting a couple of people that have the same prefix. It went through to one but not the other. So I tried texting most of my contacts. Being curious is one of my character flaws. 
   Yeah, it was weird. And there was no logic to who the texts would send to and who they wouldn't. And I have no idea whether some of the ones that the text was sent to actually got them or not. 
I know that it failed to send to an iphone, and an android and a flip phone. And it sent to some people and not others on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. 
   I don't understand why. And strangely enough, I'm actually okay with not understanding. I've got something else I don't understand, but that'll be a later writing. ( which means it may be in 30 minutes or it may be in 30 days). ๐Ÿ˜‰

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