So, there's been a little shaky stuff going on. There always is. It's New Madrid's fault. Around here, it's always New Madrid's fault. The top left picture shows earthquake activity around here. The Yellow Dots are earthquakes in the past 6 months. The Orange Dots are earthquakes in the past week. Three Red Dots are earthquakes in the last 24 hours. It has to be at least a .5 to register as a dot, I think.

Then I'm zooming in towards the 2 dots in the middle of the river in the bottom right picture. The Orange Dot is a 3.0 that happened last night (Wednesday at 7:55 PM). The Red Dot is a 2.6 that happened this afternoon (Thursday at 2:54 PM Thanksgiving Day)
If you're not familiar with local history, Reelfoot Lake was formed by a series of large earthquakes in the winter of 1811-1812. It's estimated that those quakes were 7.0-8.1. If you're curious, a 7.0 is 10000 times bigger that a 3.0. And it's 1000000 times stronger (energy released).
I just want to note, I didn't feel the quake last night or the one this afternoon. I'm not in danger of winding up at the bottom of a lake in the near future. That is unless I forget to turn the light on when I go to bed or I leave the toilet seat up in the middle of the night😕.
That orange dot close to where it says my home, that was a 2.3 quake about 2.2 miles away Sunday afternoon. I wasn't at home and didn't feel it.
The dogs feel them. They go nuts. They'll be standing in the yard barking and looking in the direction of where the earthquake was centered. When the dogs are barking and all looking in one direction and there's no visible reason, I can usually check CERI
And look at the seismograms. You can see the squiggles. What do the squiggles look like you may ask? If so, I'll be glad to show you:
The picture on the left is the 3.0, the picture on the right is the 2.6. The blue squiggles on the right, are activity that's not significant enough to be considered an occurrence (below .5). It may be earth movement, it may be a freight train, it may be a semi-truck. I don't know exactly where the sensors are located.
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