Sunday, August 11, 2013

Jesus was an Inventor

     Today is the first night of the revival at the church I grew up in. Things have changed since I was a little child. Used to be the visiting pastor/preacher/evangelist would go to the home of one of the congregation and have supper before he 'brought the message'.
     Now they have a potluck supper on the first night.
     If you don't know me or haven't read any of my thoughts before, you are probably wondering what that has to do with Jesus being an inventor.
   You've read the Bible, you've heard the sermons, you've been to Bible studies. None of them ever mentioned Jesus being an inventor. He gave sight to the blind, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, turned water into wine. The most important miracle he performed though is the one that still touches lives today. Whether you are a believer or not you have probably been touched by Jesus' most fantastic miracle.
    2 fish and 5 loaves of bread fed 5000.
     Yes, on that day in history Jesus invented the casserole. One of the greatest inventions of all time. There isn't a potluck meal since (or at least none I've been to) that didn't have at least one casserole. Whether it's a family get together, a church meal, a meal after a funeral, a department meal at work, a meal to welcome a new neighbor, or even to welcome a new pastor. There has been a casserole dish there.
     The lowly casserole. Often made fun of, but always welcome, a symbol of God's love. Jesus's best miracle in my opinion.
     I know that Jesus really DID perform a miracle when he fed the 5000. And it wasn't inventing the casserole.

The miracle was that he did it without Cream of Mushroom soup.

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