Some of the State Governments made mask mandates and ordinances.
Some State Governments passed the decision down to the Local Governments.
And everything went to hell.
A police chief in Arkansas sent a letter to the governor saying he wouldn't enforce the Governor's mask mandate.
Some of the Local Governments have made mask mandates and ordinances.
People where local governments made mandates are claiming that it should be the Governors decision or made at a national level.
I'm gonna tell ya this. I wear a mask when I go in the store. Heck, I wear a mask when I go through the drive-thru at McDonald's.
Lord, have I learned a lot about masks on the past few months.
You may or may not know these facts, but I'm fixing to let you in on what I've learned:
I've also noticed that some of the people that stated they wouldn't wear a mask unless they were forced to, have the most problems with wearing a mask since it's mandated some places. They have creatively interesting reasons for not wearing masks: my response to each of those arguments is in italics.
1. The virus isn't a bad as they say it is. They're inflating numbers to make it look like more people are infected than really are.
If they're inflating numbers to make it look like more people are infected, then the numbers of recovered cases will be inflated when their recuperation period has completed.
2. Nobody else is wearing their mask right,
If everybody else jumps off a bridge, are you going to do it too? Don't be such a sheep (or lemming as the case may be), be a leader and wear your mask right.
3. Wearing a mask violates my constitutional right.
The Preamble of the Constitution has a phrase that says the Constitution is to , among other things, promote the general welfare. If wearing a mask can help slow the spread or reduce your viral load (which improves your chances of survival) then wearing a mask is not violating your rights.
4. I don't want to wear a mask and you can't make me.
You're an adult, act like one.
5. Masks are uncomfortable.
Breathing tubes and catheters are uncomfortable. Masks are a minor irritation in comparison.
6. Masks don't prevent the Coronavirus, it says so on the box.
The company doesn't want people who wear their masks to sue them if they catch the Coronavirus by some other means..
7. OSHA says don't wear masks.
OSHA says wear masks in contaminated or potentially contaminated environments.
8. The CDC says don't wear masks.
The CDC has changed that, they do recommend wearing masks.
9. I can't breathe wearing a mask.
See your doctor about that. You have a medical issue.
10. I have a medical issue that prevents me from wearing a mask and HIPPA rules prevent me from telling you what it is.
It's HIPAA and that doesn't apply. I
11. Masks don't filter anything out.
A screen is going to catch something when the air passes through it.
12. Masks reduce your oxygen levels.
So masks can't filter anything out except oxygen? Coronavirus can go right through the mask, but the instant you put one on you start starving your brain for oxygen.
13. Wearing masks is destroying your immune system.
Masks that don't filter out anything (#10) actually are filtering out oxygen and germs other than the Coronavirus? It must filter them out, otherwise it wouldn't be destroying our immune systems.
14. Masks don't keep you from spreading the Coronavirus. Cause they don't filter anything coming out(see #11)
But the tests they've shown many places show the opposite.
15. Masks cause a buildup of carbon dioxide.
Wait. Masks let everything that you breathe out go right through the mask(#14). Except carbon dioxide.
I've heard all these excuses given. The one about HIPPA was offered to me unsolicited at the doctors office. He even spelled it out for me. I corrected his spelling for him and told him it didn't apply. He didn't appreciate it. When he got up to go to the bathroom, his wife apologized for her husband and said he was a dumbass. I suggested that might be considered a disability that would prevent mask wearing.... He wanted to know why she was laughing when he came back.
The second day our local mask ordinance went into effect I was in Wal-Mart. in front of me was a little white haired lady. There was a guy walking the other direction wearing his mask around his neck. Evidently she looked at him wrong about the way he was wearing his mask. He pointed to the mask around his neck and said loudly to her that he WAS wearing his mask, She sweetly said "I feel sorry for your wife....if you can't wear a mask right, there's probably other things you can't do right."
At that point I violated the mask ordinance.
I pulled mine down so I could laugh at him.
Y'all have a good day!
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