When I went to my appointment I carried my support group with me. I've gained 3 since my last visit to the doctor. 2 that tried to take my spot at church, and one that Hannah gave me.(she's had it since Christmas)
At least if I understood the nurse right. I could barely hear her when I answered the phone. She said something about some kind of thyroidism and they were calling in 💊 for me.
So I looked up thyroid and radiation following cancer. And it said hypothyroidism was a 25% possibility following radiation.
Then I googled the symptoms:
- Fatigue- yep, had that one lately
- Increased sensitivity to cold - dunno, it's been 100° recently
- Constipation- not been a problem
- Dry skin- possibly
- Weight gain- yep
- Puffy face-sort of
- Hoarseness- yep
- Muscle weakness- yeah sorta
- Elevated blood cholesterol level- nothing new
- Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness- yeah
- Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints- oh yeah
- Thinning hair - possibly
- Slowed heart rate - yeah
- Depression - uh huh
- Impaired memory - I'm not sure
- Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods - pretty sure that's a no.
The good news is, they have drugs to treat that. I've started taking them. I think maybe I've been a little more energetic since I started taking them.
I have something that can be handled, something that can be treated and an appointment in 7 weeks to check my thyroid hormone levels in my blood.
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