Thursday, June 26, 2014

It Was 15 Years Ago Today.......

Our Wedding Day!
     Back when I had color in my hair. and I could get down on one knee without falling over in pain and didn't need help getting up afterwards, I made a brilliant decision. I asked Yvette to marry me. Oddly enough she said yes!
    We haven't had a perfect marriage. I'm sure of that. I'm not sure any marriage is ever perfect. But we were perfect for each other. We're still perfect for each other. I love her. She loves me.
     I know there were people who thought our marriage would never last. I know this because there were a few who told me so. And if you looked at it logically, it shouldn't have. A woman who grew up in the city married a guy who had grown up in the country. She had 3 adopted children. I liked children "if they were cooked right". 15 years ago, 4 children ago. 
     And finally, after 15 years, we are going to have a honeymoon. 5 days and 4 nights with NO children. 4 nights with no children. Guess what we're going to do?

  That's right.

 Uh huh.


     No one crawling into the bed waking us up. Nobody waking us up to let us know they are home. No one waking us up to let us know there is squash in their room that needs to be killed. (Any flying bug in our house Jeremiah calls a squash, cause that's what Daddy does to them) No one waking us up to let us know they killed a squash.
     We're going to go on a cruise.
      And I'll leave you with this thought.

          I've been listening to this song almost everyday since I first heard it. And it's right. 
A Little Bit of Love, A Little Bit of Faith, A Little Bit of Hope.
     It makes for a cool song.
It makes for a dang good marriage!
And 15 years later, I'd do it all over again.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Can I Trouble You For a Second?

  I need prayers.  

Could you pray for me? 

Prayers Needed!

     If you have very many friends on Facebook, you probably see one of those phrases every day. Possibly even several times a day. To me it's pretty simple. I can either ignore their plea, or I can take a few seconds and ask God to help them through their problem. I may click on like, or I may not. Sometimes I might even comment that prayers have been sent.
       I grew up in church. I hadn't accepted Jesus then, but I knew who he was. I knew about praying too. We would have 3 or 4 every church service. Short and Simple Prayers. Long Involved Prayers. Loud Prayers. Whispered Prayers. (I hated the whispered prayers. You were never sure when they finished. And everybody was looking around to see if the persons lips were still moving)
     The idea of asking someone to pray for you, that was kind of unheard of when I was a child. I'm not sure how old I was the first time I was in a church service and the pastor asked for prayer requests. 
     But now. Oh, now, with Facebook and text messages and Twitter. It's easy to ask the world for prayer requests. And like I said, I'll probably pray for you. I don't care if you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or anything else. You want prayer, you got it. You ask for positive thoughts, you're probably gonna get a prayer said for you. I'm not going to judge whether you're worthy of my prayers. That man I'm praying to, I'll let him be the judge.
     And I hope you don't judge whether I'm worthy to be praying for you. Again, Somebody already has that job. 
     But if I ask for prayers, just know this. I don't care WHO you're praying to. If you pray to God, He will hear your prayers. If you are praying to Allah for me, God will hear your prayers. If you're praying to the left field wall in Wrigley Field for me, God will hear your prayers. 
     Omniscient. It means All Knowing. That's what God is. He knows your needs. He knows my needs. And I'll let him decide whether my prayers are worthy. Cause that's His job. It's not mine, it's not yours. It's His.
     And if you think the left field wall of Wrigley Field is God, I'll be praying for you.

Monday, June 16, 2014

If You're Easily Offended, Don't Read This!

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs
This was one of my favorite signs for years, I always thought if you READ the top part,
Is the bottom part really necessary? 
I mean really, 

Then a couple of years ago, I ran across this sign and the voices started running through my head. Like the final leg of a mile race. Flat out, full bore running.
Then I went a long time without seeing any signs that affected me.

Then Monday.


     I saw this sign and drove by it, then realized I may have missed something important so I turned around and drove by it again. And took a picture.
My first thought was that somebody had tampered with the sign.
Then those thoughts started running again.
Does that mean the sausage is shaped like a penis?
Is the sausage made of penis?
    I'm almost serious about that. I live in the county where the President of the NCBA is from. MAYBE this is a test market for a new National Cattlemans Beef Association product?
     But I really thought it was just somebody vandalizing a sign. But I shared it with a few people. And I got a response from one person, that well. It made me wonder. 
     What's Pizzle?
     A grocery store in Austin has been named in a civil suit. They sold Beef Pizzle as human food. Adulterated, non-inspected pizzle. Sold for human consumption. The outrage. The tragedy. 
     I'm not sure exactly how it happened. And I'm not sure if it was raw pizzle or something else. My mind is kinda drawn towards thinking they took the dog chew toys and sliced them up and labeled them as Smoked Boneless Turkey Necks. Which is sort of what a beef pizzle looks like. A turkey neck. 
    Try not to think of that the next time you are getting ready to eat your Thanksgiving Dinner.