Remember last month? Mother's Day. Flowers, jewelry, taking Mom out to eat, giving her the day to do whatever she wanted? Or maybe you forgot about getting a gift and all that was own when you got off work was the store where you just bought butter a pack of cigarettes and a card. Yeah, that was last month. Now we're in June.
Father's Day. The ads change.
Father's Day. The ads change.
And the gifts are............ power tools, grills, socket sets, wrenches, gift cards to Home Depot and Lowe's?
And the gifts are............ power tools, grills, socket sets, wrenches, gift cards to Home Depot and Lowe's?
Come on, I like using tools to make things. But, REALLY? Your idea of making Dad's day special is giving him stuff that means you want him to work?
If you gave Mom a vacuum cleaner, you'd be eating TV dinners for a month, that you cooked yourself. Unless she really needed a new vacuum cleaner in which case you'd only be eating TV dinners for 2 weeks that you cooked yourself.
I was just in Walgreen's and HEB (grocery store) and on the card aisle I saw people looking for that perfect Father's Day card. In HEB there was a lady with steaks and charcoal in her cart on the card aisle. She had 4 children with her and they were looking at cards. One child said OH, this one, the lady looked at it then said yeah, nodding her head. She turned it around so the other 3 could see it and 2 said yeah, one said no. Then one of the ones that said yeah, showed HER choice, 2 agreed and 1 dissenter. I hope she finds a card soon. Or maybe she should just let each child get their own card.If you gave Mom a vacuum cleaner, you'd be eating TV dinners for a month, that you cooked yourself. Unless she really needed a new vacuum cleaner in which case you'd only be eating TV dinners for 2 weeks that you cooked yourself.
Maybe Dad's are invisible. I know in a lot of cases, Dad no longer lives with Mom and the kids, but when you're around him take notice of what he's wearing, what he's doing. If you've never seen him wearing a tie, he's probably not going to wear the one you got him either.
Maybe your Dad really wants new
tools and stuff for Father's Day, I don't know. But I hope he'll be like my Dad and just smile and look happy whatever you get him.
BTW, when I was 4 I really thought my Dad liked fishing. He'd take us to the pond to go fishing. I guess that's why he got something like this:
That was a bottle of aftershave from Avon. It had 4 fishing lures in a plastic case around it.
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