Random Thoughts
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Thursday, August 15, 2024
It's Been A Long Time
20 months. Or something like that. A really long time. Long enough that Yvette has had 5 rotorooters done.
She also got a. a knee after being without one for 51 weeks. Then they did an artery transplant. Then wound care and she can walk now.
But that's not why I'm writing today.
I hurt shoulder back in April, cutting up a tree. I went to the doctor and she said she thought I had rotator cuff damage. So she referred me to another doctor and she said she thought I had rotator cuff damage and prescribed therapy. After that was done, they did a MRI and the doctor said I needed surgery.
I told all of that to tell this. After surgery they presxribed me oxycodone. On the way home Yvette tells about something that had happened at school yesterday.
My wife had a conversation with a student yesterday. It went like this...
Student looked at Brayden(9) and then at my wife (older than me) and asked
" Is he yours?"
"Yes he's my son."
" But how?
" Ummm I don't understand. What do you mean?"
"But how?" Long pause and then student said, "But you're like ummm old"
I found this book I should donate to the library.
- Publisher
- Author
- What the baby is considered
- How the baby got there.
Monday, December 19, 2022
The Wall

Saturday, September 3, 2022
Its A small World 🌎🌍
I met a guy today at work and who had an Ole Miss shirt on and he was from Gibson County , Dyer to be exact and he's your age.
I got this text from my son, Caleb. He lives in Washington, D.C.
I do remember a guy named Jamie Finch. He was a grade or two ahead of me at GCHS. He was from Dyer.
But that's not really what made me think about the small 🌎.
Caleb, born and raised in Texas now lives in D.C. and happened to meet someone that I was in high school with.
It's a Procedure ( part deux)
I called my PCP to get an appointment and asked her if the neuropathy could be causing the pain going down my legs towards my feet which are basically numb to sensation. Her answer was no didn't they tell you anything about that?
I successfully refrained from telling her that if they had answered that question, I wouldn't be asking her, and just said no. So she referred me to the doctor she had referred me to the first time (who I had already told about the pain going down my leg) I had described it as a pain in my hip that went down my leg.
I went on to see her and for her again about the pain in my hip that went down my leg.describing where the pain was for her.
She took an xray of my hip and when she01008434 Ogura came in to talk to me she asked me again about my pain. So I described the pain to her again exactly like I did the first time and she told me, that's not your hip, that's your lower back.
If that is my lower back. Wasn't it my lower back the first time I told her about the pain 2 months ago? And what about when I told her 20 minutes ago? And why do nurses always tell me they need a hip when they want to give you a shot in your buttocks?So they take me in the little room and take a few more x-rays. Then she comes back in....sits down on her little stool....looks over her glasses and tells me, "Your lower back is a mess."
I said "Great, what can we do about it?
She told me we were going to go to physical therapy for 6 weeks and that should set it right. So now, only 4 months after I had first told her about the pain that went down my legs, we are going to try to fix it! (I thoight I had told her, maybe I hadn't)
. another xray and look at somet
Thursday, July 29, 2021
It's a Procedure (part 1)
That's what I had.
A procedure. It used to be called outpatient surgery. But now it's just a procedure.
A Vertiflex procedure.
I have spinal spondylosis. I have neuropathy in my feet. I have degenerative disc disease. And sciatica. And throw in there some anxiety and depression for good measure.
About a year and a half ago, I had reason to visit the doctor. I had a hematoma on my right gluteus maximus. The doctor told me that I was going to tear my stomach up with the pills I was taking. I was self medicating for my daily aches and pains by taking 3 or 4 Naproxen Sodium, 6-8 ibuprofen, and 6-8 headache relief tablets. The doctor said that's too much stuff to be taking.
So I cut out the naproxen sodium. And I discovered that my knee was hurting. It may have been hurting all along and I just didn't know it. So then I went to get an injection in my knee. And that doctor told me the ibuprofen and headache relievers was going to tear up my stomach so I needed to stop the ibuprofen.
When I stopped the ibuprofen I kinda discovered that the reason my feet weren't hurting (my feet have hurt me for years cause it's hard to find shoes wide enough for me). But the reason my feet weren't hurting me any longer was because I couldn't feel my feet.
There's a term for it. It's called neuropathy. So I went to the doctor and told her I thought I had neuropathy. I told her my symptoms and she said "yup, sounds like you have neuropathy". She referred me to another doctor. The day before I went to see that Dr. I stepped on "something". I don't know what it was. Maybe a piece of wire, maybe a nail. "Something". I never felt it. Didn't realize it had happened until Yvette noticed I was tracking blood around on the floor.
I told that doctor my symptoms and about stepping on "something" and she said, "I think you have neuropathy " and refers me to another Dr. They attach electrodes and stick pins in me and tell me "you have neuropathy." Some point in the deciding that 'yes, I had neuropathy' "we" also decided that I had sciatica. There was one final Dr visit where they did an x-ray and tests and the diagnosis was that I had bilateral neuropathy.
(To be continued)
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
What A Pain! Part 1.
I'm not sure how I feel. Well, that's not exactly true. I feel pain. But not all the time. Just if I stand for like 15 or 20 minutes, sit for 1 ¼ hours, walk or am on my feet for over an hour.